Thursday, January 19, 2012


Pretend that you write an advice column for the school newspaper. You have been asked to give advice on making friends. What advice would you give a new student at Dirksen who is having problems making new friends?

1. My advice to a new student would be ...


ErikaMoralesssss. (: said...

I would tell them to be themselves and be funny. I don't know one person at Dirksen who is rude and antisocial. Dirksen is a great school to make new friends; we are all Star Students! :D

Angela said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... to just be yourself. People wouldn't trust you if they find that you are faking. Once you lose someones trust it is very hard to get back.

Jose Lopezzz xD said...

My advice to a new student would be to be themselves and don't do anything bad to try to make yourself look cool.! ;D

Anonymous said...

My advice to a new student would be to be friendly to everyone and funny because everyone likes a funny friend.

Anonymous said...

My advice to a new student would be to be friendly to everyone and funny because everyone likes a funny friend.

Tiara said...

1. My advice to a new student would be just be your self and remeber to have fun and do not let anybody put you down because you are you.

RashawnW 8A said...

My advice to a new student would be ...

My advice to a new student would be if you do your work and are a good student and a good friend, you will have more fun than being a student that doesn't care about his work and is a bad friend.

Gabe Venegas said...

1. My advice to a new student would be to be your self. People dont like people who are fake. Be who you are and let them know that you are not going to change for any one.

Isabel Ingle:) said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... to be yourself. People don't like to have friends that lie to them or make up stories to impress.

Ryan Delisle 8A said...

My advice to a new student would be to have them start talking to people your age and find out if you have any thing that you can relate to about the person.

robert price said...

My advice to a new student will be just to be yourself, because you don't want to try and make new friends, and be somebody your not.

austin buchanan said...

My advice to a new student would be ... to talk to people and try to make friends with people and dont act different than you would just to make new friends

Pavel Cardenas #whoopswag 8A said...

Pretend that you write an advice column for the school newspaper. You have been asked to give advice on making friends. What advice would you give a new student at Dirksen who is having problems making new friends?
I would just tell them to be thereselves and to try to be funny, cause thats what people forward to a friend. Also don't be rude, and have SWAGGGGGGGGG, because people who don't have swag don't really get reconize.

cesar $@$%$$$$ said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... be your self and be nice to them cuz no one likes a show of

niko gomez8a said...

My advice to a new student would be to be talk to them and try to make them lsugh or start a conversation with them.

Adrian Zavala said...

1. My advice to a new student would be be nice to everyone and to not be grumpy.


. My advice to a new student would be ...


Alejandro Ramirezzz said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ...

My advice is to be themselves.

Desia Thurmond said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ...

Advise I would give to a new student would be don't be shy, and speak up and try to make friends with the right group.

KendallTucker;D said...

my advice to a new student would be to just be yourself and you will be fine

dj lamer said...

My advice to a new student would be that to naver but them down with a bad comment.

jason keltz said...

My advice to a new student would be ... My advise to them is to find friends and be nice to others

dhruv said...

1. My advice to a new student would be My advice is to be themselves.

Morgan Jones [: 8A said...

My advice to a new student would be just be funny and introduce yourslef first and just be yourself, be honest and just hang with them get to know them. if they like the samethings you do then they are your friends because you have something to talk about.

#Morgan Jones[:

kierra rada nicole tyler 8A said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... Be bad dont listen. Because u wont be treated so good in high school.Just playin do good as yu can get good grades and behave or ms pollack will get on you :).

Thomas the Creeper(minecraft) 8A said...

Pretend that you write an advice column for the school newspaper. You have been asked to give advice on making friends. What advice would you give a new student at Dirksen who is having problems making new friends?

my advice would be if your a funny person youll be accepted but if you dont talk or any thing it will take a while to make friends but also you dont have to be funny you can do many things but being funny is the main thing.

Alexis Ceja said...

1. My advice to a new student would be to try to help them in a partner project and try to talk to them.

Kendall said...

Pretend that you write an advice column for the school newspaper. You have been asked to give advice on making friends. What advice would you give a new student at Dirksen who is having problems making new friends?

1. My advice to a new student would be to be yourself. If they were your true friend they would accept you for who you are.

Anonymous said...

1. My advice to a new student would be

Just beyour self and try not to besome someone your not because you won't make any friends like that just be your self and you'll make friends.

Eddie Walls II said...

. My advice to a new student would be to ask people questions about them and see if you have anything in common with any body else at this school.

JenniferSanders7A said...

My advice to a new student would be ...

Find some people who could relate to you and who could listen.

kim h 7th said...

My advice to a new student would be ...
my advice for a new student will be to be real with your self dont lie to be in a group say the true and try to talk new people.

James :p said...

My advice to a new student would be just be yourself.

Nico Perez 7A said...

My advice to a new student would be ... to be yourself and don't be nervous when approaching someone. If you keep a cool head you will do fine.

$$$JorgeVelazquez$$$ said...

1. My advice to a new student would be that they should not be shy and should make new friends.Also try to fit in with the school.

Jeremy said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ...
My advice to a new kid would be to just be yourself and dont change for anybody

Natalie Schuld 7A said...

My advice to a new student would be ... to be nice and be youself. Don't try to act cool just to impress one or more people. Like I said before yourdelf and don't let others try to change your personality just so you can be friends with that or those people.

Deionta Weeks said...

My advice to a new student would be ... pay atteion to wat the teacher is sayin i8f someone is talking to u say ttyl nd then get back on track and keep your grades up in class and dont get in trrouble..

StephanieU7A said...

1. My advice to a new student would be to be nice to everyone because first impressions are everything.

Malik Reed said...

My advice to a new student would be to make sure to do all of your work,do your homwork and allways to listen to yor teacher.

MisaelM said said...

My advice to a new student would be ... To be your self and don't act werid and never be rude becasue that will make you look like fool. Always act cool but in a way your like your self and never talk about people

Maria7A :)))) said...

1. My advice to a new student would be to be themselves be nice, say hi to people. Don't act like your all that because you will just end up being friends with the wrong kind of group or having people not like you.

juliusgarrett7a said...

. My advice to a new student would be ... To help them with every thing he or she need help on then also tell them the rules of each classroom.Then if that have anying question i would answer it

lamaria(:SAID:) said...

My advice to a new student would be ...
i think if a student ids new and they get no people they are going to fit in wioth othger kids in the school. If you got a good personality you could have good relation ships with orther students in the other grades,

NanieCooper:))) said...

My advice to a new student would be yourself and to make the right kind of friends. Dont pretend to be the person you are not.

luana 7a said...

My advice to a new student would be to open up to their classmates and show them who you really are. To show your new classmates that you are a fun person to be around. Show them how friendly you are!

mariah n 68 said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... talk to theperson and find things in common such as what shows they watch ect,.

Jordan B said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... is to be your self i make new friends when i get them to laugh

Bella Rosee xDDDD said...

My advice to a new student would be... to just be yourself and dont be mean you can start out by being my friend.
ill also tell them to get to know people in your 1st and 2nd and 3rd block.!XDDDDDDD

Guy waibwl XD said...

My advice to a new student would be ... act normal and treat him like everyone in the school treats everyone in the school treats wachother

Anonymous said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... I would tell them be nice and just be your self because every one at dirksen is nice including the teachers:D:D:D

Willie T. 6A said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ...would be to be yourself and not try to act cool to be friends with someone that looks cool and are mean to other kids you could join clubs and thats how lots of kids make friends and you can get great grads not bad ones to be friends with the kids that get bad kids they are only doing this is to make friends and to be cool so other kids would be nice to them and help them when they need help and they will tell kids what to do and when to do it.

Ronald J 6a said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... to be funny and be yourself

Tristan B 6a said...

1. My advice to a new student would be be your self and let them know that they can trust you

JacobPabon6A said...

1. My advice to a new student would be tell the student to listen to the teacher and to write down all of the things that i learned that week.(notes)I would also introduce my self to him/her with a kind hello.

AntoineH 6A #Truth said...

1. My advice to a new student would be
Just Be yourself. Dont be anybody you not 'Cause Then They hojng to think you're fake as ever. Remember all this...

Travis r said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... You should be nice to people. You should also know as many people as you can by joining clubs.

ivanc6 said...

1. My advice to a new student would be jut talk about something they like and then talk about something you like.

Keanu H 6A said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... just to be your self and be nice.Dont be afraid if one person doesn't like you. I do not know anybody that hate anybody here at dirksen.Dirksen is a great school to friends. We are all star students.

TW6thgrd said...

1. My advice to a new student would be mind your own buisness and be nice.

Ruben Lopez 6A said...

My advice to a new student would be ... to not worry because you will make new friends and you will be comfortable after a while.

myriah salazar said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... Iwould give them advice to be nice or funny.I would tell them to do what the people like or something you like that other people friendly,be nice even though other people are mean to you.

Quincy S said...

1. My advice to a new student would be be yourself . try to join clubs or get to know other students . try to be nice and kind .

Bella Rose XDDD said...

My advice to a new student would be.... try to be friends with everyone.. dont be mean to anyone ..and also get along with all the teachers and be friends with your classmates!! XDDD

Jonathan Ceballos said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... My advice to the new student will be to them selves and just act normal

Brayan rodriguez said...

1. My advice to a new student would be that they should pay attention and they should be your self and respect your elders and do your work try your best and always try to be number 1 at everything stay cool!

Juan6a said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ...don't be nervous.

jordan the tank said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... to be your self because every one is nice even the teachers

timd6a said...

My advice to a new student would be to have fun and be yourself.

karlaa6a said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... My advice is be nice to your new friend and talk to your new friend hang out with them .Be your self dont make your slef cool!

ivan c 6 said...

1. My advice to a new student would be to talk about what they like and then what you like.

abbyt said...

1. My advice to a new student would be ... if you want to make a new friend join a club you are intreastead in and then you should bond with the other kids and stay with them, but you need to make shure they are not going to make you do the wrong things and find someone you can trust with all of your heart and make shure that they have your trust and be yourself.thats my advise on to make a new best friend!!!

nataeviaduke said...

1. My favorite season is.....because...
the summer because i dont have to see these teacher and i can stay up as long as i can

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