Thursday, May 17, 2012


Did you know that many school teachers go into politics. Do you know a teacher who would make a good politician? yWhat office do you think that teacher should run for?
The teacher that would make a good politician is..........because......

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Many school teachers go into politics. Do you know a teacher who would make a good politician? What office do you think that teacher should run for?

The teacher that would make a good politician is..........because......

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Many people love a scary movies. Think today about the scariest movie you have ever seen.What is the name of it and what feelings did you have when you watched it?
The scariest movie I ever saw was The Birds. They were just normal size birds in a massive quanity that attacked people and poked their eyes out. I was so scared of birds after that movie that every time I saw a group of birds in a large cluster on a telephone line I would freak out.

The scariest movie I ever saw was.....because......

Monday, May 14, 2012


Many people love a scary movies. Think today about the scariest movie you have ever seen.What is the name of it and what feelings did you have when you watched it?
The scariest movie I ever saw was The Birds. They were just normal size birds in a massive quanity that attacked people and poked their eyes out. I was so scared of birds after that movie that every time I saw a group of birds in a large cluster on a telephone line I would freak out.

The scariest movie I ever saw was.....because......

Friday, May 11, 2012


Mother's Day is on Sunday. Today think about your mom or the person in your life who is like your mother. Many kids have their grandma, aunt, or an older sister to be that person that is like their mother..

What is a quality that you admire about the mother role in your life?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Childrens book

What was your favorite book when you were a kid? Mine was Cinderella, I loved the story
and the happy ending. My own kids loved the Bernstein Bears we had all of their books.
My favorite book when I was little was...explain why

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Childrens book

What was your favorite book when you were a kid? Mine was Cinderella, I loved the story and the happy ending. My own kids loved the Bernstein Bears we had all of their books. Explain why

My favorite book when I was little was...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Horoscopes :Many people read their horoscope every day. Some people believe very strongly that your Zodiac sign determines allot about your personality.

I am a PISCES the sign is a fish, I love to eat fish. Our symbol is water and I love to boat, swim or float in water. Pisces people are usually high energy and I have been told I am very high energy.

1. Do you know your ZODIAC sign? Does it agree with your personality? Do you read your horoscope?

Monday, May 7, 2012


Many people read their horoscope every day. Some people believe very strongly that your Zodiac sign determines allot about your personality.
I am a PISCES the sign is a fish, I love to eat fish. Our symbol is water and I love to boat, swim or float in water. Pisces people are usually high energy and I have been told I am very high energy.

1. Do you know your ZODIAC sign? Does it agree with your personality? Do you read your horoscope?

Friday, May 4, 2012

This weekend is Police Memorial Day. A day to honor police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.Police are here to protect their communities.
Write about a time you met or spoke to a police officer.
If not what do you think it would be like to meet an officer?

1. The day I met a police officer I.........

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Brothers and sisters are your siblings. They are a fun part of a family. Cousins are always special too. Today tell me about your favorite family member besides your parents.
If you are an only child explain what that is like.
1. My favorite part of having siblings is......

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Brothers and sisters are your siblings. They are a fun part of a family. Cousins are always special too. Today tell me about your favorite family member besides your parents.
If you are an only child explain what that is like.

1. My favorite part of having siblings is......

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

Mayday is an emergency procedure word used internationally as a distress signal.
The call is always given three times in a row ("Mayday Mayday Mayday") to prevent mistaking it for some similar-sounding phrase under noisy conditions.
I AM (state problem such as on fire, sinking, etc.) WITH (number of) PERSONS ON BOARD, I REQUIRE IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE.

MayDay came from a French word m'adier that means "come help me"

1. Pretend you are in a situation you need to yell MAY DAY, what would it be?

Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.