Today is a day to think about your past. Think about when you first started to go to school. Everyone has at least 1 happy memory from kindergarten or 1st grade.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of first grade was recess. I don't have it anymore but i miss it.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part is my first feild trip. She was nice
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
I actualy dont remember anything from kindergarden. the only thing i liked about it was the field trips had a field trip every month.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarte
i like nap time
i liked kindergarten becuz we had nap timee.. n my teacher i forgot her namee..
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part is Playing ouside during recess and palying games in side
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarden is the last day cause you ain't got to do nothing.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My teacher's name was Ms.Stillwell. What I remember is that sometimes when the 5th graders were at recess, we went in their classroom to sit at their stools and stuff. Everything felt so out of proportion, like we were so small and we would never get to that point. I also remember going to the library at the end of the upstairs hall, before their was no addition on the building and their was nowhere else to put it. I also remember leaving early on my birthday to go to the Museum of Science and Industry, but that's about all I have for memories. <3
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
what is mt favorite thing about kidergarten? it is playig why because its all you do.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarden was a trip to the museum. I forgot her name but she kinda mean.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favortie part of school was when I wasn't in school.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
*My favorite part of Kindergarden was NAP TIME!!!<3 yeah, I think it's Mrs. Green? She was retiring the next year.xD
my favorite part of kindergarten is :
we had nap timee ,n my teacher i had i dnt remember her name.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
I vaguely remember anything from kindergarten or 1st grade. I only remember a playground and small carpet squares which we used to sit on.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part was sleeping and taking naps when me and my friend
jaylen went sleep we used to cause all type of trouble. My tracher was Mrs.Dudley she was the beast.
She let us play all kids of games and stuff and we played for candy that was my favorite teacher.
when school first stared it was boring then it stared getting fun.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarden was the lunches. It was a lot better then the lunches I get now.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kingigarten was snack time and recess. My teacher name is Ms.Graham.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten
I was a very shy quiet kid when I was little. But the teacher was mean to everybody. I had mrs green from pershing
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.My favorite thing about kindergarter is nap time because I get to go to sleep.
. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kinderqarten is when my teacher used to always give us food when we are hungary and after nap time .My teacher name is Ms .Nurcheck i dont remember how to spell it .My teacher wass the nicest teacher i ever had .iMiss Her*
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kinder gared
My techer was very nice but i for got her name we had nap time that was the best time u get the biggest pillow then u go to the corner an sleep.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part about first grade was recess. I dont remember my teachers.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
my favorite part about kindergarten was taking a nap
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favrote part of first grade was when I whent there I cry for my mom
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarten was all the easy work.
I don't really remember anything about my kindergarten teacher Mrs.Bingham.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
The favorite part of kindergarten is when I got to take a nap all day and get treats I really dont remember my techers real name but I called her meany face
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part is Playing ouside during recess and palying games in side during gym and game time.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kingergarten is when I met Triniti and we was always pranking our substitut teachers.So funny!!!!lol:)
my fav part of kindergarden was naptime with gramcrackers.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarden was NAPP timee ugh , sometimes i wish we can still have it i be tired upp in this school. Another thing would be when we had this feast thing for indians & the pigrims and we was dressed up & we had a feast in class it was funnn :/
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarten was when we got to ride the tricycles. I can't remember what the name of my teacer was but she was nice.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarten was when we got to ride the tricycles. I can't remember what the name of my teacer was but she was nice.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My kindergarten teacher was Ms.Cashen I think that's how you spell her name. I liked to go because I had my kindergarten class with my cousin Maria.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten?
My favorite part is my first feild trip.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
I forgot all about them I remember my first grade was fun because I kept getting in trouble by my teacher because I didnt like her but I became friends with the principal because I was her office very often...... I LUV DRAWING pics.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My Teacher named was Mrs. Washigtion I always used to get goods grades in 1st grade I allways would listion and everying my favriote moment was coloring
. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
I liked when we read funny books. In first grade it was boring.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My Favorite Part Of Kindergarten
Was When We Went Out Outside And Played.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
MY FAVORITE part of kindergarten was when we got to take naps after recess because it was really good time because it let us get so rest.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
in kindergarden i got applesause and my teacher was hotttttttttttt
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My Favorite Part Of Kindergarten
Was When We Went Out Outside And Played:):)
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
I like nap time because you can sleep and I like also snack time.I dont rember my teachers name
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
Well I did like when I had reecess, it was great! I remember Mrs. V, that was what I called her name by. She would enlighten me when I was feeling down. Would help me in class assighnments. What a fine good teacher she was!
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
We got to sleep and paint! Her name is Mrs. Siebert
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My faviorte thing about kindergarden is the nap time. Today I am sick and want a nap. My teachers name was Ms.Armstrong. Ms. Armstrong was mean and scary! My faviore teacher is still my 1st grade teacher.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favourite part of kindergarten was recess and sleep time because I sleep in school with my eyes open.i FORGOT MY TEACHERS NAME.M teacher sang songs for us.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favourite part of kindergarten was recess and sleep time because I sleep in school with my eyes open.i FORGOT MY TEACHERS NAME.M teacher sang songs for us.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favourite part of kindergarten was recess and sleep time because I sleep in school with my eyes open.i FORGOT MY TEACHERS NAME.M teacher sang songs for us.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
my favorite part was recess. I forgot my teachers name but, she was really nice.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
I loved when there were birthdays because we always got cupcakes,cookies, or other treats.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarden was recess
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
I like naptime
and her name was ms lendheat for kindergarten and 1 is ms giovanni
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarten was nap time and my teacher was Mrs.Worsley. She was a cool teacher and she was always interested in whatever you had questions about.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarten is when we have nap time because that gives you a little time to rest your brain. My teacher in kindergarten was nice and her name was Mrs.Rikambak.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten
My favorite part of kindergartan was all the fun things we did,like making reeves for christmas and coloring eggs for easter.My teacher's name was Ms.Lanvit and she was the best.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarden was recces.I liked recces because when you hit someone the teacher would say thats bad.And you wont get into much troble. :)
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
I like my kindergarten teacher,her name was Ms. Zola. She would always serve candy an always take naps for a half and hour at least. I was her favorite sudent in the class she would help me for everything.She was the best.
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarten was my teachers and friends.My teachers name was mrs.Rakenbot or some thing i cant spell it but she go married and now her name is mrs.Demke.When she read the book green eggs and ham she mad use green eggs and ham.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarten was fild day beause you go outside and play games.
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part of kindergarden was nap time. I dont remember my teachers name in kindergarden,but I do remember my first grade teacher her name was Mrs.Williams. She was an old mean lady but at times she was nice.
. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite part was nap time and my kindergaden teacher was Ms.huey. She always had a smile on her face .
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My favorite psrt of kindergarten is when we use to read and sleep. xD
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
my favorite part of kindergarten was when we got to watch movies and eat and take a nap
1. Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
my fav. thing was sleeping and not haveing to do work besause i dont be tried. my kindergarten teacher name was mrs smith
Tell me your favorite part of kindergarten and why? Do you know your teacher's name? Tell something about that teacher in first grade or kindergarten.
My Favorite part of kindergarten was that you got to talk to your friends and draw, and my teacher was Mrs.Maggan, she was the second nices teacher I ever had.
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