Monday, March 14, 2011

Albert Einstein

Today is Albert Einstein's birthday. Einstein was known to be a genius who won a Nobel Peace Prize. His theories proved the rules of gravity. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?


ViridianaL8b said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

It means to think beyond

KeymariR8b said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To have an imagination mean's that you have a creative mind and it can be anything you wont it to be.. :") <3 !

ShantellB8 said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

-To have an imagination means to have a creattive mind and be able to think diffrent (:

Juan 8B said...

I think it means to be creative and that your imagination can be better then being super smart.

johannahw8b said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination

An imagination is when you think beyond what is real.

Hayley M. said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

I think that having an imagination means that you are creative.

SarahW 8B said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

Imagination means to think beyond what is real and fake.

jesse rednour 8b said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
You can pretend about your own world or quast.

Aaliyah8B:D said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
_to have an imagination is to see things that other can't .
thats all i can think of(;

Raymundo 8b said...

1. Einstein once said,"Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

I Think Imangination Is What Spongebob Said To Squidward.

myra L. said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To have an imagination means to be creative

chris8b said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To be creative.

JennHernandez8B(; said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

- I think it means to be creative(:

Thomashaywood8b said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

It means to thinkncreative

alejandra8b said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

- It means to be creative. (:

like ale [;

EzequielU8B said...

Albert Einstein was old. He had weird hair. He looks like a creep.

-Imagination is when you imagine something that isn't possible.

Gabriela Diaz 7B said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To have imagination means to have a way to express yourself, and a way to do new things.

randy7b said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
That made if you try to imagion something than you can do it.Sometimes it isn't all about the facts.

KaylaS7B said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To me to have an imagination means to be creative and think about possible and impossible things to do that we still try.

IsaiahH7B said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination? what you may thinck about something.

randib 7b said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

it means to have lots of creativity and you could do anything you want with a little bit of thinking

jorgea 7b said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
Having imagination means that you are creative.

Javier M. 7B said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To have an imagination means that you have a creative mind and think beyond reality.

AnashayL 7B said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To have an imagination is to make things seem that they aren't reall but in kind of a caroon form.

AnnaH 7B said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

It mean's that Imagination is more better to have than to learn.

jasonstukel 7B said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To make your own fun without anything but yourself and you mind

jicara7b:) said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To have an imagination means you think something is real, but it really isnt. Also you can see things other people cant see.:)

walterwitke said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

to have a mind that creats things in there head like rainbow.

franciscog 7B said...

imagination is when you think beyond life and are creative.

Alonzo Luna 7B ^___^ said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

I think it means that you should use your imagination when learning or when your just curiues.

brandont7b said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

your imagination can be whatever you wanted to be

Luis 7b said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

1.I think its to have a ceative mind and and it can be anything you wont it to be

francisco r7b said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

It means to make funny jokes xD

Kim Z 7B :)) said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To dream big and go far! =]

cleavonb7 said...

This means to me is if you imagin some you can do anything you what to do in your life.

zach.c 7b said...

To image in things that you want to happen.

norma 6-B said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
to have imagination think outside the box

joey6b said...

Today is Albert Einstein's birthday. Einstein was known to be a genius who won a Nobel Peace Prize. His theories proved the rules of gravity. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
to pretendsomething and have fun

virgilioBb6 said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
For me imagination is fantsatic because I can imagin anything.

Jeffrey6B said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

To have an imagination means to think of something way out of the box

N i c K 6B said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

A ImaGinaTion is some play were u could go to do any thing like make up ur own world think beyond

TRE6-B said...

idk but what I do know is that isat is over.

Keyshawn6B said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imaginatination?

To me imaginatination means stuff that is in front of you but not acully there..

Jason Kollross 6B said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
To be creative and have wonderful ideas no one would ever think of.

elmo/andrewmcdonald said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?to have something to believe in.or something u think is there.


Mateo6B said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

It means to dream

JayvonnaD6B:D said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

it means to create pictures in your mind or to think and then act out what u were thinking :)o)

cristian6B said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

A way to express thoughts and ideas, and do things in a dif. way.

Anonymous said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
It means think up things that you do everyday to make you happy. Also it means to be creative and care-free. And it means to be in your own little world.

James6B said...

What does it mean to have an imagination? Imagination to me is to be creative.

stephanie p.6b said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

Its means to think avobe or beyond.

abby6b said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

Imagination is when you think things that might not be possible but to you it is possible.Never ever give because imagination is what helps you suceed is what Albert Einstein was tring to say because with your imagination everything is possible!

orieta e 6b said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
I think that imagination means to think of something and not let it go like to imagine that something is happening but its really not adn if you thinkk hard enough it might happen if you make it happen.

K3nn@dii:)*** said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?
WELLLLLLLLLLiis i think that it is very inportant because with out it the world would be DULLLLLLLLLL!!!!!! ily:)***

brynt6b said...

1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

it is to think the impossible.

dawsonbancroft6b said...

Today is Albert Einstein's birthday. Einstein was known to be a genius who won a Nobel Peace Prize. His theories proved the rules of gravity. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
1. Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

I think it means that having an imagination will get you futher in life.that is what i think if you have another opinion. then that is you but that is my opinion.

TREMAyNEE$$MiTh[8A said...

Einstein once said, "Your Imagination is more important than knowledge". What does it mean to have an imagination?

I do bot know

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