Tuesday, September 14, 2010

how long

I am glad you are here today. Today you will publish your comments in the BLOG then go to Study Island. If you have more then 3 triangles you must go in TEST mode to try to get rid of your triangles.
Did it ever take you a long time to learn to do something? Was it a sport, cooking, a hobby, or a musical instrument that you kept trying to get better at? Did you then have to help someone else learn to do it?

my example is: I wanted to learn how to make the perfect stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner. I tried different recipes for a few years and now I love my dressing to have with our turkey. Now I have taught my own kids the recipe and they make the perfect yummy stuffing too.
1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this, and how long it took you to get it right?


stephaniec 8 said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

When I was little I wanted to learn how to ride my bike. I tryed like several times and I kept falling. My cousin used to help me. Eventually, I did learn(:.

J05HR8B said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right? It took me about 4 months after i got modernwarfare 2 to be a legit quick scoper.

MiaRose8B said...

Did it ever take you a long time to do something? Was it a sport, cooking, a hobby, or a musical instrument that you kept trying to get better at? Did you then have to help someone else to do it?

- Something that took me a long time to do is learn and master the piano. My sister started taking lessons last year and I help her sometimes after and before her lessons.

alec8b 8()----8 said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I have been trying to throw a curve ball for baseball but it was hard but I finally got it and I am good at it.

astasian8 said...

Today write about why you wanted to do something and keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

i didnt know how to draw a teddy bear in art class it took some weeks but i finally got it

NakeiahM said...

Last year me and my mom used to play cards and she used to shuffle and do the bridge. And I tried to do it to but I couldn't. So I kept trying and trying. It too me three days and I finally got it.

DayaC 8B said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

i wanted to learn how to make the perfect dinner for next sunday.i tried hard to make a good dinner.

Anonymous said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

i didnt know how to do the splits but i tryed and tyred and i still cant do it. but i tryed

jasmineallen8b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

Ive always wanted to learn how to play voleyball but know I am really good at it and im gonna try out for the voleyball team.

CashaeS8b said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
I try my hardest to chanqe my attitude but I just can't chanqe my attitude it's just stuck.

luisXD 8b ") said...

something i tried to do is the bariel kick flip now that i practiced i know how to do that skateboarding move .

JanayP 8B.* said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I tried hard at playing a game. It was fun, I won. I kept trying and I got better. Noone helped me.

Anonymous said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right

i wanted to learn how to .... nothing really?

JaylenB8B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I wanted to keep trying to jump irish =). It took me like a year to try and I am still learning how to do it.

isabel siad said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

when i was at washington gr high i did this one paper it was hand but they it was easly.

Ariannam8 said...

I tried hard to cook and I tried cooking homemade meatloaf and it came out funny looking.

vicky r 8b said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I atempted to get to level 350 in my hame and it made me try for 30 hours that the time counter recorded. I gave up and made my dad do it. he didnt make it but i made it after he atempeded to do it.

jacobojacobojacobojacobo said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I wanted to make mac and cheese.I kept doing it to make the cheese taste better.

JustinH8B said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

1) I really don't have mothing in mind but the study island stuff cause some of the things on study island is kind of tricky.

eduardo corona8BB said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

It took me a while befor i became the best halo player from every one i know

jason said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

it took me a long time to spin a basket ball on my finger and i keep trying because it would bother me mecause i couldent do it

jason said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

it took me a long time to spin a basket ball on my finger and i keep trying because it would bother me mecause i couldent do it

Anonymous said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I wanted to get better at sports.

gaby z. 8b said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I wanted to learn how to skate and i took a long time to learn but eventually I learned and now im very good at it.

Anonymous said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
I wanted to get better at volleyball and it took me a long time.

Luis;) 8B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I use to not kno how to to read and i finnaly learned in 4th grade.

ASHLEYS7B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?


KennedyH7B said...

Did it ever take you a long time to do something? Was it a sport, cooking, a hobby, or a musical instrument that you kept trying to get better at? Did you then have to help someone else to do it?

I wanted to learn how to lay guitar but I sucked at it then i kept practicing but i still suck.

GEORRELLB 7B said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I still am learning but it takes me a long time to learn to play the guitar but it took me about almost a year but it hurts


1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

Javon7b said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I didnt know how to draw a car in art class it took some weeks but I finally got it...

DemondF7b said...

. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I try and try to learn how to soccer.

Lissette E 7B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
Somthing I had to try hard on was when I was like five, and I was trying to learn how to swim. Eventually I learned.

lesly7b said...

1. today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right? When i was 4 it took me a long time to learn how to ride my bike. it took me 3 months to learn how to ride my bike.

donald l7b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

i was trying to make my dads spignte his is dlishes and i had get it right the 3th try.

marissab7b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

i was trying to do somthin for math and i just couldnt get it even though my brother showed me how over and over again i still didnt get it bi didnt know why it took at least a day

kealinS7b said...

When I was trying to do this type of layup playing basketball and I kept trying it because it looked cool.

Anonymous said...

when i was little my mom would whisle and i wanted to try that. so i asked my mom how to do that and she said just put your lips together and blow. so i tried and i didnt get it .i wanted to learn this because what ever my mom tried that looked cool i wanted to try it to. now i can whisle today

cesar g 7b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

once i tryde to draw
on my own and i couldint now i can just think and do

Shawn7b said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learen how to do this and howlong it took you to get it right? It took me a few months to master the mini uzi in modern warfare2.

TanyaM.7b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I wanted learn how to stop yelling at my brother and I had to keep trying. I did this by just walking away from him when he did a dumb thing. It took me atleast a month but I still yelling at him some times.

Naiyuben7b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
I tried to get better at playing tennis but I could't hit ball and now I can hit the ball and every thing.

cristina7b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

when i was a lil qirl i wanted to learn how to ride my bike so i did learn

Anonymous said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?I wanted to learn how to play tennis and i had to try like 10 or more time to get it right.

IsabelM7b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

One thing I kept trying and trying to do was learn how to make pancakes.I tried but they would never come out round.But now I make Yummy Yummy pancakes.

IsabelM7b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

One thing I kept trying and trying to do was learn how to make pancakes.I tried but they would never come out round.But now I make Yummy Yummy pancakes.

*MariahG.*7B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right.

Some thing I wanted to do was play the guitar. I wanted to keep trying because I have heard all of the cool sounds you can make with a guitar. It is still taking me time to learn how to play the guitar.

racquelV. 7B said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

Something that i wanted to keep on learning was when i was younger when i wzs in pre-school was to tie my shoe. i wanted to keep leaening was because i didnt want to be the only one in pre-school not able to te my schoe. It took me about a week to final tie my shoes.

Tyler J 7B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
Answer: I wanted to be the best a basketball i been doing it my whole like and I am still in the progress or completing it.

keiferjordanbell6b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

Making a basket from the half court line.

caylam7b:))** said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

i reaLLy dOnt nO what I wAntEd to Try??:)**

Mashayla7B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

i wanted to learn how to do the crank that spongebob dance and i finally got it right when i was just jumpin around and it took me 5 days to figure it out

DejaD 7B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

When I was like 10 I used to watch my cousin braid people hair while I would practice on my bratz head, at first no matter how many times I tried the braids used to be loose and once I started practicing more the braids started to get tighter and now I know how to braid very well.!

alec v 6b said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right win a girl to go out with me

Anonymous said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right? footbaal

luzg b6 said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
I put a lot of effort into opening my locker.

artiest 6b said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

One day i had to keep trying to catch a football but im good at it now.

Anonymous said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

jadahale said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right i kate chring to sum woods.

GabbieC 6B :DD said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

Ummm on the Study Island thing because I got trinagles.

yvonneayivor6b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
it took me about two weeks to learn how to ride a bike when i was four or six. i tried until i did it one more time. i fell, but my mom said that you can do it and i jumped on it and road all the way to my neibors house untill i fell. but that is the time i road my bike for the first time. thanks mom and dad.

abrahamd6b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

i've been trying to learn a lot in math

arteciaH 6B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I try to make my own dinner because my parents didn't feel like cooking. So, I tried to make me some noodles,I follow all the directions,but everytime when I make them i don't no what time it be done so I ask my parents.

lataydra said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?once i had this really hard projest i keep tring and tring and you kno what i got an A+ on it

cateradillard6 said...

One time I got 3 triangle I had to keeo trying to it was gone .Its had to lose one of those.

itzelg6b said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
I wanted to learn how to play volleyball like a pro or at least like one of my uncles I kept trying and trying untill I got it right. I would have to say it toke me about a whole month before I could play well.

omar s.6b said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

The thing that I kept trying to do was riding my bike when I was little it took me to when I was 5 years old to ride my bike

gabrielag6b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?Well the one i did did the most efort is on my summer vacation because so bad i wanted to go to kansas in a plane but my parents said n0 and no but i kept saing and saing until ifinaly convinced him.

Amy Q 6 said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
When I was a little girl I got a bike for my birthday and I started to ride it because i was little and m y bike was big and so I kept trying but I kept on falling so then I kept on trying more times intill I got to ride my Bike.

xavier6b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right? I wanted to learn how to write in cursiph.So Ihadto keep trying to get it right. And then after I keeped trying I got it right.

jalen6bdirksen J.H said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

What took me the longest thing to do is learn how to swim and float and learn how to swim and go under water.

valeria6B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
once i tried making a bread type cake and sooooooo well when i added some thing in it and it didnt turn out as well as i thought it would .(but know my mom makes them not mee! :)

caitlynb6 said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right? it toook me a long time to get 5th grade because my 4th grtade tearcher did not teach us a lot so when it came to 5th i didnt know wat to do me 5th grade teacher teach me all the tings that i know today that was one of me strugles!

KIMH6B said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

I wanted to play soccer for my first time but I didin't know how to play soccer so I told my cousin to show me how to play soccer. It took me two months to get good at it. When those two months past I was an awesome player in elementary school.

alysaf 6b said... said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?
A time when I had to keep trying is hen I was learn all my cheers and I could no tget them but this year I know them and know I teach all of the new girl how to do them.

VictorG6B said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

When I was little I tried to learn how to swim.Then I kept trieng untill I finaly learned.

Jose R. said...

Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

Sometimes i was having trouble typing fast but now when i was getting to know this more better because i have a small lap top at home. Also a desktop at home as well. So thats how i lrean how type fast and then faster till i got better at it. So here i am at writting lab typing fast.

NATALIES6B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?I wanted to ride my scooter.(elertricscooter) It was alot of fun but I fell. It took me 2days to figure out how to ride it.

DEADRIANA 6B said...

I wanted to learn how to make diffierent sounds on my piano it was kinda hard but now i'v got the hang of it and it is very very fun to show my family what I had did for the first time ever and that is how I learned to make diffrant sounds with my piano.

NatalieK6B said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

Once when I woke up in the morning I was hungery,so I tried to make breakfast. I tried to cook pancakes it did not turn out that good.So then my mom showed me how to make them.Now I am making them good.

gabrielle r 6b said...

. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it right?

Something it took me a while to do was to learn how to write everyone had trouble writing in there life.

isiah6b said...

1. Today write about why you wanted to do keep trying to learn how to do this and how long it took you to get it rightto ride a bike and i keep trying and it took me 3 day

CHRIS 6B said...

Today write about your favorite season and why? Give 2 reasons this is your favorite season.

My favirote season is summer bucause I can play outside. I also like it because i can play with my friedns.

Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.