Thursday, September 4, 2008

September 4, 2008

Today is Newpaper Carrier Day. On this day in 1933 a 10 yr. old boy was hired to deliver papers for the New York Sun. His name was Barney Flaherty and he answered the add in the paper to be a carrier.

1. Have you ever had a job you got paid for? Do you think kids should have jobs?


Anonymous said...

I dont think I have ever had a job I have been paid for. I might have, but I dont remember it. I think kids should have jobs because, well we need money too. We always have to ask our parents and sometimes they dont give us money. So I beleive kids should be able to have jobs.

Anonymous said...

I do have a job I get payed for mowing lawns and kids should have jobs so we have money to spend.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have had various jobs and in various weathers and got money for it. I dont think kids should have jobs though.

Anonymous said...

No I havn't. I think kids should have jobs because we could buy our own clothes and stuff.

Anonymous said...

I've never had a paying job or any kind of job really. I think kids around my age should get a paying job. But not sometihng to hard for us but hard enough to teach us how to save money and how to take care of ourselves and ready us for the real world, to show us things arnt going to be handed to us and that we have to work for what we want.

Anonymous said...

This one time i had to clean my uncles room fo 5.00 and then i had to take care of my little cousin for 10.00. Yes i think kids should get paid because kids want to buy stuff they parents don't want to buy them.

Anonymous said...

Yes and no beacues what if kids nide soomething wealy baeand and and my mom can't geave it to me i have to find a way to geat the moeny.

Anonymous said...

Kids should have jobs b/c no one should be broke.

Anonymous said...

I had a job at a lemonade stand, I got 50 cents for every cup. Yes.

Anonymous said...

I think kids shode not have jobs, not reade to go and get paid when there older.

Anonymous said...

I have had many jobs that I've gotten payed for. I've fed my neighbors two turtles over the weekends, I've babysat, and I mowed the lawn across the street for $200 last summer. I think kids should get payed, because our parents will get sick and tired of giving us money for things, when if we had jobs that payed, we coul buy them ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I think once you are a teen you should have the right to have a part time job like on weekends or during the summer,because then you will become more responsible and mature.

Anonymous said...

yes I had a job and yes kids should get payed

Anonymous said...

I actually dont do jobs I just get payed, and I actually dont think that kids should have jobs because they would then not have an education.

Anonymous said...

I have only had the job of babysitting in wich i did get payed. However I don't think kids under 15 should have a job besides going to school. I say this because, having a job is a little bit to much for kids to hanndle. Kids should be focoused on school not a job.

Anonymous said...

Well yeah I do have A job and its cutting grass and I make 12$ dollars for it every week and I am good at it if I can do it than kids can do it.

Anonymous said...

no i did not have a job befor. no chid can not have a job

Anonymous said...

I had never had a job I had deen paid for. I have many jobs but they were all for fun. I think kids shouldn't have jobs enless they wan't to.At some ages kids are very careless.Not ready for a real job some are but there are others.

Anonymous said...

I have a job and i get paid everyday. The kids need job becuase need get money to buy food or clothes.

Anonymous said...

we you to money is walmart she and kids clothing and shirt are pant she is we going pay money she is .

Anonymous said...

Yes all the kids slould go to college so the kids get the jobs which kids study as whatever and the kids shuold get lunch while they works hard.

Anonymous said...

I will get a job for next year and I will get the kide and how many I will get fuor kide because I like a job and it was name of the ABC.

Anonymous said...

my job is cutting the grass, washing the dishes and cleaning my room

Anonymous said...

No I have never had a job that I got paid for and yes I do think kids should have jobs.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have a job. It's not much. Mowing lawns. I think if a kid thinks that he or she is responsible enough, they can have a job

Anonymous said...

Yes i got paid for doing someones lawn. And kids should have jobs because then they will not half to ask their parents for money.

Anonymous said...

Well i have sorta had a job that ive gotten paid for but it was chore really my parents just pay me to actually do it,and its usually all the yardwork i get to do.

Anonymous said...

I have had a job an I have got paid for it.My job was to make sure an old lady was ok an she had food and something to drink.I think kids shouldn't have jobs because they are still to young to have a job.

Anonymous said...

I have never hade a jod I got paid for. I think kides should be aloud to be paid for jobs.

Anonymous said...

I never had a job that I would get payed for because I won't work until 16. At 16 I want a part time job so I won't work till then. I have no ahd a job where I get payed because I don't do any chores that I payed a lot of money for.

Anonymous said...

I was babysitting and I got paid but I don't any more.I think that kids that want a job can get a jod that they are really good at.They should get paid the same amount as adults because some kids can do things better than adults.

Anonymous said...

I have had a babysiting job and i got paid for it .I do think kids should have jobs because that way we could learn how to be responsible.I also think that kids should have jobs because we also have needs.

Anonymous said...

No i do not have a job but i do get money for chores i guess you can call thatg a job.

Anonymous said...

Yes i do have a job my job is going to school so i can go to college and have money also doing some work around the house i like my job because one i get money for the other i become anything i want LOVE FELICIA WOWWWWWWWW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I dont think i have a job or ever had a job Id got paid for. i think kids should have jobs because a lot of kids would like to get stuff but their mom or dad cant get it for them so why not get it or pay it with their own money.

Anonymous said...

I do have a job mowing lawns and kids should have job because you get money to spend on yourself or on others.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever had a job you got paid for? Do you think kids should have jobs?

Well yea kids should have jobs so when they get older that wouldn't think there mom would have to buy stuff for the rest of there life

Anonymous said...

i have never had a job were i got paid but i do think kids should have jobs because we need money to and are parents rearly give it to us.

Anonymous said...

No I have not I, usually I only .would get payed for doing jods that my dad does not want to do

Anonymous said...

I have a job but I don't get paid for it. I work at a nursing home. My mom is a secretary there and I help with the activities, and transporting the residents.

Anonymous said...

I had a job and I stil have it, Ihave to baby sit my brothers and my sisters and some times my cosion. And yes I get paid. And yes I think kid should get jobs like unpack stuff, and mop and broom the floors.

Anonymous said...

yes i have had a job not one thats like professional it was mowing lawn and cleaning gutters i really do believe that kids should have jobs because no kid likes to ask their parent to get them somehting and they said no my dad and mom always said if you got money i cant tell what to buy and what not to buy

Anonymous said...

I kind of have a job actully 2.The first on is I help at my granparents mansion and at my mom and dads work.I get paid twenty dollars.

Anonymous said...

I kind of have a job actully 2.The first on is I help at my granparents mansion and at my mom and dads work.I get paid twenty dollars.

Anonymous said...

yea.I am done now.use to get paid 20 a week.well I had two jobs got paid 20 on that job.I'm done with that job because it was to much. I had to job at the time.Also quiet because school.

Anonymous said...

No I have never had a job that I got paid for. I hope when im 16 I can get a job. I think that kids should have jobs so they dont have to keep asking their parents for money.

Anonymous said...

I think kids should have jobs because if they want something they wont keep going to there mom of dad for more and more money

Anonymous said...

i do think kids should have jobs because they would get paid for they dont have to keep asking there parents for money.and yes i have chores and its like a ajob and i do get paid for.and yes kids should have jobs.

Anonymous said...

I thinnk kids should jobs because they can get paid and lern how to be responceable for when they grow up.

Anonymous said...

I have jobs all the time and some times I think we should have jobs. Instead of us beaging are parents for money all the time.

Anonymous said...

The only job iv had was mowing lawns and i got payed $5 a lawn. Its a good job for kids to do. Its also an easy job for kids. I mowed about 20 houses that day and made 100$ than i wasted it on video games.

Anonymous said...

I think kids should have jobs if they wanted to have them to get money because they should not be forced to do one.

Anonymous said...

I dont think I ever had a job in my whole life because i really dont like to do them.I think kids should have jobs because when they are grown up and if they dont know how to a job they may get fire or they might not do it again.Another reason why kids should have jobs is because when the kids parents mother and father are sick whos gonna do the laundry,dishes,washing,and picking up the mail when it arrives.I think kids should have jobs because it will give them a lot of money and get them to college.

Anonymous said...

I never got had a job before I only hepled my dad pant the bathroom and I got paid.I think kids should have jobs so we can get paid and won't ask are parents for any money

Anonymous said...

The only job Ive had was mowing lawn and shoveling snow. it is a very good job for kid to earn money.

Anonymous said...

yes beacuse kids should have a job for youre mom and dad i buth that for you

Anonymous said...

Yes i have had a job i really cleaned peoples yards for 15$ and i do think thatr we should have jobs.

Anonymous said...

yes i have jobs i am working for the kids that who is deaf and i teach them the sign laugage at work shop but i don't know what store it called.... yes but i think kids do have a jobs for kids like babysit, help kids for sign laugage or help ur next door and help the lost pet whatevr it does!!!

love, Tatum Zoey Reitz :]]]

Anonymous said...

I have never had a job that I actually got paid for doing. I always have to do stuff but I never get paid.I think kids should have have jobs.I would be working as soo as I could

Anonymous said...

I had a summer job durring the summer, as a cachier at a place called something I don't remember what it was called. I don't think that kid should be able to have a job so they can have mory to buy what ever they want! If I could get a better job I would be a Doctor!

Anonymous said...

Hamza work for money. pizza restaurant

Anonymous said...

i never had a job before but i wanted money to buy what i need or wanted to buy. so i wanted to have a job. and my mom told to do chores to earn money and buy what i need or wanted to buy.

Anonymous said...

I work money mcdonalds making hamburgers.

Anonymous said...

on i havet had a job. I thick kids shud have job becaus kids have to pay for to and it helps grown up's

Anonymous said...

I think kids should kids should have a job. this way they could have their own money to buy the things they want. Also, they want have to ask their parents for money every time they need to buy something.

Anonymous said...

I did get a job but they ask me pick every Monday there garbage cans but they pay me $4 dollars
So I told them that I got a bet
ter job.I belive and understood
that kids should workth,If they
want to work thats up to them.

Anonymous said...

I have had a job that I got paid for befor. Yes I think that kids should have jobs because they can make there owen money and spend it on what ever they want like clothes and stuff.

Anonymous said...

yes, my brother has 2 job,
football and souct i belive you i will able help my brother

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