Friday, November 2, 2007

November 2 Journal

Hi. When you are done with today's journal, log into Study Island. You have 30 minutes to work in there and then I will talk with you about a new application.
  1. November is Aviation History Month. Imagine that you just realized that you can fly. Write about how you discovered this new ability.
  2. The first seven days in November make up World Communication Week. Imagine that you could not use a television, a telephone, a cell phone, or a computer for an entire week. What would be the most difficult thing about the week? The easiest? Explain.


Anonymous said...

If I had to go a week with no phone or television I would be bored to death. I wouldn't be able to pass the time playing video games and I couldn't talk to friends. I don't know what I would do for entertainment.

Anonymous said...

One day when I was swinging then I fell off but never hit the gound. Thats how I would figure out I can fly after I realise I fly over the house or around the yard. show My sister she might freak out.

Anonymous said...

The most difficult thing sbout not having a cell phone, telephone, or computer, is that it'll be harder to communicate with your friends that dont live by you. The easiest part, is that withen 2 streets away from me, I have my best friend kim, and then some of my other family. So that means if I needed to talk or just wanted to hang out with my family or Kim, then I can just walk a street or two over!

Anonymous said...

Johnnie J. 8a

If i had the ability to fly I would describe it as it being fun and fantasitic to beable to fly in the sky. If I could fly I would fly to school and to were every I needed to go.

Anonymous said...

If I found out that I could fly You would not catch me at home I would be in different states at different times I would see you when Isee you.

Anonymous said...

I would jump off of my bed to see if i could fly.the most difficult thing would be not able to use the phone at all. the easiest thing would be able to use the computer

Anonymous said...

If I couldn't use a televison, telephone, cell phone or a computer for a whole week I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone or get any info in the news on whats happening in the world or anything thing in that sort.

Anonymous said...

the most difficult thing for not having a cell phone is that i would't get to talk to my friends and that would make me super man bcause if your friends leave and if you don't see them again. so cell phone come in handy.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Bopp 8a

If I could not use telecommunications for a week not using a cell phone would be the easiest because I do not have a cell phone. The Hardest part would be not be able to use a computer. This is because I use a computer for a lot of things Playing Games, Typing, Doing my homework and school work, Creating Pictures, and exploring the Internet.

Anonymous said...

The hard thing about the first week would be not useing a a cell phone. Thats just me because what if Im lost or something and I have to call my family or something else. I dont need tv because I could read a book or something else. But not haveing a phone is the hardest thing.

Anonymous said...

Sotero P. 8a
if i discovered that i can fly iwould say that i was jumping on a trampoline and when i almost fell i stared to fly...Thats what i would say if i discovered tht i can fly

Anonymous said...

The most difficult thing about the week would be that I wouldn't be able to talk to my far away family and friends.There wouldn't be any easy thing about it

Anonymous said...

If I could not use any technology for a week the most difficult thing would be not being able to watch my favorite television programs. I can live without a telephone and a cell phone but having no television would feel like torture for me. I do often use a computer but I would be able to live without it for a week.I'd probably spend the entire week reading.

Anonymous said...

Deanna H 8a
If I could not use a cellphone, telphone, telvision, or computer for one week then I think that the most difficult thing to do would be is to talk my friends and see if they could come some where with me. The easiest thing to do would be to spend some time with my family without a T.V. We could play a board game and have fun the old fashion way

Anonymous said...

This morning when I woke up I noticed I felt lighter I mean really I could tell the differrence so I do my regular morning routine and once recess comes around Walton tries to push me off of the top of the Jungle Gym and I amazingly just started gliding then I started flapping my arms as I began to rise higher and higher that Im flying

Anonymous said...

Jennifer B 8a
If I was not to use the tv, telephone, cellphone, or computer I would be so upset with that. But what I would do is read my book. If I couldn't do any of those thing's. I would just read a book all week.

Anonymous said...

Taylor M
If I could not use a computer or any type of phone for a week I would go crazy.The phone is really like my life there isnt a time that you dont see me on thephone but from when we are in school.The computer is really nothing to,but ill still be mad because i couldnt get on myspace.

Anonymous said...

Lewis N 8a if i could not use my television,telephone,cell phone,or my computer for a week a would just be outside all day.But the bad thing would be that i could not call my friend and tell them to meet me somewhere i would just have to walk over there house and if they are not there then i would have to walk all the way back home. I would maybe makeing a lot of blank trips.

Anonymous said...

i woul try to fly just out of cureyosity and discover that i could fly

Anonymous said...

How i descovered my abilitys was by jumping of the swing. i jump off and then i realised that i was off the grouned. i then just stoped thinking about flying and then i just fell to the ground. I then went home an did not tellme perents about it buy was secrely training my powers.

Anonymous said...

The most difficult thing about this week would be not being able to use my cell phone. I love my cell phone and if I wasn't able to use it I don't know what I would do. The easiest part would be not being able to use the computer.

Anonymous said...

If I just learnd how to fly.I would be dresed lick a crow and I would try to get world domination so I would be called the crow beacuse it sounds cool.

Anonymous said...

The thing that would be most difficult would not to watch tv because i can do all the other thing easy but when i am bored i would need something to watch.

Anonymous said...

If I has to go a week with no television or computer i would be so bored. The difficult thing about that is that I won't be able to see what's new on Friday's or Saturday's. The easiest is that I could just read a book while I'm not usuing it. So it would be able to survive.

Anonymous said...

If i was playing soccer then i get trap but dont feel the flrow.I might think i could fly then i will fly away

Anonymous said...

If I had to go a week without a phone, t.v, or computer I would be super mad and I would not talk to my friends for a week. I would also be bored because it's not nothing else to do but sit a round and be bored.

Anonymous said...

if i had the power to fly i can go anywhere.i had this power by finding a magical bag of bird food.

Anonymous said...

If could got a candy I would get harse they are so good.It has cookel,chochet,and caromel.Wech they areall good.That why I like milkeway.

Anonymous said...

i would discover i can fly by riding my bike and the breaks would go out and i would ride off the side of a cliff and i would stay there in the air watching my bike fall down i would fly home and never need a bike again

Anonymous said...

The most hardest thing is that i cant use the computer or telivision because it is entertainment for me and i talk 2 friends on the computer and on the telephone. The easiest thing is the cell phone becuase i always use the house phone to talk to my freinds.

Anonymous said...

If I had to go a week without my phone or tv I'd be a little grumpy but i could just go to my friend's house to talk to him.

Anonymous said...

If I had to go for a week with out a phone,cellphone ,and computer I would be bored to death and wouldn't be able to communicate with my friends so I would be bored to death .To me tletvision isn't that important becauseI barekly watch t.v. so it wouldn't really matter to me.

Anonymous said...

i would discover how to fly on a animal besides a bird because a bird already knows how to fly. iwould pick like a horse to fly me around.

Anonymous said...

The hardest thing with out having a computer, television, cell phone, or a telephone is that I would not have anything to do. I would be bored to death. No one would be able to do anything without any of that stuff. It actually wouldn't be that bad because if your power goes out, then you wouldn't have it anyways. The easiest thing would be is that i have a digital camera, so therefore I can take a lot of pictures. So it wouldn't be that bad to not have a television, cell phone, a computer, or a televion.

Anonymous said...

I couldnt go a week with out a cell phone or a tv because thats my life.I would be bored as ever i would have to listen to my radio all day and that aint fun all the time.and i would have noning to do but stay in my room and do noning.

Anonymous said...

If I did not have a cell phone for a week, I would go crazy! I use my phone for calling my family and friends, my alarm clock, and my planner. I am also addicted to texting. I use my computer for my homework; I type all of my homework. I am a history major and I use the internet for research. I would be lost without my computer. I do not have time to watch television so it would not be as bad to go without.

Anonymous said...

I would do things that are high and dangerous.After that I would train myself so I could get better every time

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't be diffecl because i realy don't use those things I would paly out side.But it would be hard to comunakate.but nothin eals wouldn't be hard.

Anonymous said...

no their shouldn't be school on halloween because I'll miss my ,halloween time

Anonymous said...

If I had the ability to fly and I just figured it out, I would feel very happy and exited.

Anonymous said...

I would try to kill myself on a tall buildind and go on a big building I would jump off that building then I would start flying. Not really.

Anonymous said...

When I would figuere out that I could fly it be when I get taken as a hostage on a robery. I get thrown of a building then sudenly I fly.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be cool if I could fly. I would fly every were.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be cool if I could fly. I would fly every were.

Anonymous said...

The day a found out I could I found out like this. I was messing with my sister and she tried to drop me out the window.So i belived i can fly and i flapped my hands and i began flying like a bird . I was so happy i could fly.

Anonymous said...

If i had to go eith no phone for a week i would go very crazy.The most difficult would be that I can't talk with my friend so that we can do over the week.The most easiest would be that I would learn a lessn

Anonymous said...

I would probly discover my ablities when i want to go some where.

Anonymous said...

am gonabe so sete because l cant toke to me frints and my family and me big sistsres and if a cant see the tv is hone be so sete because l cant be to see me faver tv show and l love tv and call my frients

Anonymous said...

Iwould die for a whole week with out a phone or tv.I would go crazy.

Anonymous said...

If I could not use any electronict for a week I would go crazy!

Anonymous said...

The most difficult thing would be not having television since 3 hours of my time is used for watching t.v.The easiest would be having time to talk to my sister.

Anonymous said...

The hardest thing for me if I couldn't watch t.v , go on the phone, or the computer is to go in the phone or computer.That's the hardest thing for me because I'm almost on it all day.

Anonymous said...

If I couldn't use a phone, a computer,or watch television for a week I think I would faint.That would be horrible.The one I think would be the worst of all is not being able to watch T.V. for a whole week.This is because I watch it almost all the time.It would be a tragedy.

Anonymous said...

If I woud to get a treta from trick-or-treta. I woud want.A free trip to the bahanmas. For I can have fun and erlaxs.

Anonymous said...

The easiest thing would be about not having a computer,a tv etc. would be that no one annoying could call you. The hardest thing would be tha you would be bored.

Anonymous said...

no we should not have no school on hollween becaus we would get to stay on longer and get more candy.

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