1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.
Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
No actually I like it when the weather is both bad or good it dosent bother me.
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
I've never been frightened by the weather but if there was like a tornado close by my house I probly would get worried.
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
Ummm....the only kind of weather that we had the frightened me was probably the tornando we had a while back because I was little...since what's been going on with Japan I know that I would be scared of a tsumai(sp) or hurricane.
(What kind of damage would wind cause anyway??? Besides maybe car crashes...)
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
Yes when I was little there was a tornado and it knocked a tree down and we had to go in my basement
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
i have been frighten by tornado warnings when it rains hard i get scared im going to die
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
I aint ever been frightened by weather the type that would scare me would be a tsunabie and a earthquake at the same time.
. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
i love when it rains I love to go outside, also when it snows.xD But when its windy my hair gets all crazy!Tornadoes are wierd?Sunny days are beautiful. Cloudy days are dark.But I am not frightened.<3
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
no weather frightens me. thunder, wind, hail, a hurricain. Its just one of those things that you got so many other things to worry about that weather isnt even a problem.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
I don't get scared of the weather but if I could choose one to be scared of I would choose raining fireballs but that would cool then scary.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
No I have never been frighened by the weather. If i ever get frighened by the weather it will be a tornado or earthquake!
One time the weather scared me was a couple weeks ago ,when i was layin in my bed on the phone and the lighting stsrted andi fell off the bed .
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
no i have never been frightend by the weather. i would probley be frightend by a level 5 tornado.
wen its hot outside and the sky gray like it gon rain ...
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
the kind of wheather that would scare me isa super huge snow storm.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
what will frighten me fire comes out the sky
one time lightening struck right next to a boy named ricky it was funny and scary.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
No the weather doesnt frighten me but a tsuami will
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you? Some weather that scare's me is when tornado's come because I dont know where it is coming from and it could do any damage to anything.
Have you ever been frightened by the weather?
No because theres nothing to be afraid of its just weather.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
Not all weather scares me.The only real weather I would be scared of is a tornade but heavy rain is preety cool to me.It is as long as I dont have a bad thunderstorm that knocks out my power that would be horrible.
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
I have not been frightend by the weather yet, but the weather that would frightend me is a tornato or a tuniame.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
I love when the whether is bad because I get to tease my little sister and say that it will be a tornado and she gets really scared
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
No because its just mothernatures effects on the world.So it dosent scare me unless it is like right in front of me.
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
One day during summer I got terrified. There was that really big storm. There was almost a tornado. I just hate storms in general because I have a feeling that I might not get out of the storm.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
I might be frightened from this storm but I would be scared of a earthquake or tsunami.
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
I have been frightened by weather when I was 6 or 7 and it was raining rally hard also lighning thunder.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
I agree with MadiG in 8th grade what will wind cause and i only ngot freaked out when lightning struck right by my window :-)
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
I dont get frightened by the weather but, if there was a tornado I would probably get scared.
Have you ever been frightened by the weather?
yes i have been frightend by weather its was just a few weeks ago it scaried me becaus e the rain was droping on my window and its scary me because i thought it was some one taping on my window.
Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
yes because it was thunder clap I jumped out of my bed then after a while I hided under ny covers
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
Yes when there was a thunder storm and there was lightning and every one was in my mom's room and every was laghing because my bother said some thing funny and my mom kicked use out and I fell donw the stairs and it was dark and i want to see if i was bleeding and i was.
. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
The kind of weather that scared me was lighten and rain. I was in my haouse and I was playing a game and my lights went out. Then a couple of minutes later, the lighten struck and I looked outside and it look blue!
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
No and the only weather that would frighten me is a tornado and raining hail.
. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
I have been frightened by then weather. The weather was a thunder bolt.It scared me because when I was in my room sleeping I didn't know it was thundering then I heard a big BOOM! and it scared me really bad.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
Rain and thunder frightens me to death.If I ever go out during a thunder storm I would be really scared.
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
no i have never been frighten by wether exept torrnados once i almos got hurt by one
1. Have you ever been frightened by the weather? If yes, tell me about that time. If no, tell me what kind of weather would frighten you?
No because it dosent bother me when rain and snow and stuff like that.
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