Best friends are special. Some people stay best friends forever and other people live their life with never having a best friend. I have a bff, Sam has been my bff since we were in kindergarten. We don't see each other as often, but when were together we can talk forever. No one needs alot of friends we all just need true friends.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
well i like that they are trstworthy and carefull and that they will alwyas be by ur side if aything happens to you and da reason y dey are special to mi bc i thnk that they can be a really good help u need aa friend who will alwyas be der for you
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
man dude my freinds are crzy like they act so wired but not me but we got each other back;)
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
_ I look for honesty and trust and fun to be around , and just to be there when i need someone to talk to . My best friend has been around sence the summer of first grade we are very close and we tell eachother everything . I wouldnt trade her for anything in the world ;)
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities that I like in a friend is that thye can be trustworthy, that they are always there for you, that they are nice, and that they will never let ou down no matter what. This person is a special friend to me because I can alays yrsut her and she is always there for me in the ups and downs.(:
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
When I choose my friends, I make sure that they're not annoying, that they're caring, nice, and some good listeners. My best friend is special to me because she knows what it takes to make me smile when I'm having a bad day.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The friend is nice and tell the truth.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities I like in a firend are, if thay have your back, honisty, and respect.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
People who like the same stuff as me.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
Me and my special lways goofing off and play sports together and thats a special friend to me
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I have 2 really good friends i like how i can tell them something.
And i like hanging out with them
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
My friend is a special friend becuz she makes me laugh alot and shes always nice to me.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
they act diffent when they are around me they are good friends to be around some times the act waird .
I have like 5 bestfriends I could totally trust. <3
I think they're special because we always talked about anything and laughed together and comforting each another.
4 of them totally live far away but we still wouldnt forget each another so we talked and laugh together and everything. (:
I think that friends are like, happy together, laugh, talk about sad things, happy thing, silly things, and angry sitiuations.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
They haave too bee trust worthy.
They aree special becausee nobody couldd get as good as thaat.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I do not have a bes friend because i like to hang out with all my friends the same so that way they will not feel left out if i do not hang out with them. So i just stick to all my friends and treat them all the same. but there is some one who kind of is my special friend because that person cares about me, they talk to me about stuff that is hard to talk with others about,they listen to me when i need help so they can help me and i help them to when they need help, and because that person is better to me then the rest of my other friends.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
This what i like in a friend i like them to be nice,helpful and be funnyand silly when i'm sad. i have alot of friends so all of them are special to me the reason i like them is because there funny, nice, smart, helpful,and fun.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
_ I look for honesty and trust and fun to be around , and just to be there when i need someone to talk to . My best friend has been around sence the summer of first grade we are very close and we tell eachother everything . I wouldnt trade her for anything in the world ;)
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
Some qualities that I like in a friend is that you can trust them also they are always there for you and give you advise. My friend is the best because she trust me and I trust her I know that she will never tell people what I tell her.
I like honesty & respectfulness in my friends. My special friend is her, because I can tell her anything and I know I can trust them.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities that i like in a friend is that their really cool friend, and she's there when i need her another one would be that she never says bad stuff to you. A special friend that i have is that she never judge me. she has all the qualities that i look for.Thats why she is a really good friend to me.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend
I have lots of friends, but I only have 1 true special friend. The qualities I look for in a friend are they are trusting and they are always there for me. this is why he is my special friend. :)
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
In a friend I look for somebody I can tell anythhing to, and I can be myself around.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
Because they dont act tough and act like they are all that and act normal.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I like a friend that plays sports that a friend that likes alomst everything i like.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is the is person your special friend? i dont have any good qualitys for a friend. because i have my friends somewhere else and some here
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
all my frends are nice but one stands out if you need lunch muney he will giv you som
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities that I like in A best friend is Kindness, Humor, Fairness and coolness :) We always have eachothers back and we can count on eachother also they help me through my problems
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
Well i have alot of best friends but only some meet my standers that i can trust with everything. Not all of them go to Dirksen so its kind of sad that i never get to see them. But if i had to choose my favorite qualities about my friends is that i can trust them and i know they will always be there for me threw thick and thin no matter what.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities I like in a friend are that they have to be funny. If you can make me laugh then you're awesome. I also like that they're trustworthy and we can tell eachother anything, like problems and stuff. My best friend is very special to me because she's very fun to hang out with and the most awesome friend a kid could ask for.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
It is a boy.....
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities I like in a friend is that you can trust them & their honest and that the'll be their for you when you need someone. This person is special to me because they have been there for me when I needed them & I know I can trust them.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I don't have no special qualities about any of my friends.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
Uhmm..,tha reason they are my special friend is cause when yhu see them yhu smile(: nd they make yhur day bettr nd evn when yhu dnt tell them how yhur feeling they automatically knw what emotion yhur feeling. nd when they txt yhu..,yhu get this smile nd yhur heart literally skips a beat. nd this special friend..,well my special friend tries to see me nd sometymes risk seeing me.(x this special friend is always there too..,nd well yeah i could write more but i already wrote lyk a poem/paragragh. nd my special friend is a boy! not sayin' names though :D nd he has mr. speilman first block haha okay im done xD
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities i like are true friends you can trust and can come to for anything.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
One quality that I look for in a friend is that they're cruel. Like, hitler-cruel. Puppy-mudering, chopping-the-heads-off-of-live-kittens cruel. They're really fun to hang out with. I don't have a special friend, because I don't know anyone who is mentally different.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I dont really care as long as they dont much off me for things they want.
. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
it is a girl...
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
who tell the truth who does not lie ti me. sone to help me and i can help back in return.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
me and my best friend have one think in commen that i can not tell
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities i like in a friend is honesty, if their funny, how smart they are, if they are scared of people, things we both like or heard about, and rather they're annoying or not. I had a best friend(multiples but kind of the same) and he was my best friend because we both like the same stuff, talked about stuff, we trusted with each other about a lot of things, and we had each other backs through anything when we were at the same place.(basically school)
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I love when bestfrinds are turstworthy [&&]careful.I have a only 3 best freinds. The person you call your bestfriend can just stab you right in your back and dont care anything about you ! I know my bestfriends for along time. (:
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities I like is that they are nice, caring. Also that they can be trustworthy, and respectful.
These is why they are special to me.XD
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
That they are not annoying, and are respectful, and are a little athletic.Because we were friends for a long time.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
Well I Have More than one bestfriend.I Like that they are trustworthy they always be there for Me They bring me up when im done and they are down for what Ever.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities I like in a friend are if they are trustworthey and nice.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
what qualities i like in a friend is sillynes and just a great silly and guffy attutudee and i havee 4 best friends and they are evry thing that i need in i have been friends with 1 of them since 5th grade and 2nd of them o had been frends since 4 yearss and another one of them since 4th grade and anothoer one of them i had been frends since 6th grade and i love all of them crazy girls.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I like friend with a good personality and who are nice with good humor.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
Qualities I like in a friend is honetsy and to be trustworthy, someone that will always be on my side. The reason why that person my special friend is because she has all those qualities.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend? I like in a person is if they are nice and willing to be my friend. this person is a person that look's like me but alot more nicer then me.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
the qualites I expect in a friend is craziness and goofynes and justbeing crazy. these people are important to me is because theere awsome and also special just the way i luv them.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
Qualities in a friend is that they will listen to you and treat you with respect.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I like that SOME of my friends are trustworthy. I can trust them all of the time, But i don't like people who talk about me behind my back and say they never did. That's not a true friend.They are special to me because they are always there for me when something something goes wrong. :)
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I like a friend who is nice, funny, and always has my back when I am in a tough situation. It is also nice when they cheer me up when I'm sad.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
In a fiends qualities i like that they are nice to other persons that they keep secrets and helps you when need help they are there for you also when they support you and help you at everything.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
nice,trustworthy,and a good friend
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities I see in a person to be my friend is some one i can trust and thats all really. This friend is special to me because i trust him and always there for me.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend? Qualities I like about my friend is that even if some other people tell her not to tell me something she tells me and she honest with me and me and her don't have secret's.....
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities I look in a friend is respect,honest,and that they got your back this person is my special friend because she is honest and respectful and wierd.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend? Qualities that I like they never lies and is honest. My friend is special because we were friends since third grade.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I think that bff are poeple that you can tell your personal life.
What qualities do you like in a friend?Why is this person your special friend?
I think the qualitiesin a friend should be good.Where you could tell them anything and they TRUST you.Also where they don't go BEHIND you back and start talking about you.Friends are to STICK up for each other.
People are my friends because they are nice to me and beleave what I say.I don't really trust people and also I don't really have any BFF's only friends because I can't really trust people with any of my secrets.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I like friends that are nice and they are funny and they are cool to your other friend.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities I like in a fried is to not stab me in the back and to always be there for me and if i am in a fight thety got my back.
1. What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
it does not mater 2 me but most of my friends r funny some r not because thay can are awesome
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The qualities in my bff is that we can do ever thing together.
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
I like that my bestfriend is trustworthy and i can tell them any thing plus I well do any thing for my bestfriend.me any my friend have been friends since 4th grade and i luv her n/h but yea. my friend is so special in so many ways <3
What qualities do you like in a friend? NO NAMES but why is this person your special friend?
The most is that this person have in common with me. This person is special even she is a girl and she hit me she is still my friend.
What qualities do you like in a friend?
1-they have to be very nice and have great kindness.
2-they have be nice to others
3- they have to believe in god and in his word.
lastbut not less they have to be respectfull.
What qualities do you like in a friend?
1-they have to be very nice and have great kindness.
2-they have be nice to others
3- they have to believe in god and in his word.
lastbut not less they have to be respectfull.
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