1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.
Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate being yelled at for no reason i dont know how to change it though. It seems that everyday for no reason i am blamed for no reason.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
*I hate the color brown! EWWW its so gross looking, its just an ugly color. Who actually likes this color?xD
-nothing i will never like that color.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when people can't leave me alone and start stuff with me. I can change it by moving my seat or ignoring the annoying person.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
*I hate the color brown! EWWW its so gross looking, its just an ugly color. Who actually likes this color?xD
-nothing i will never like that color.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I really don't get mad very much so I really can't say any thing
I hate when I have to get up at five o,clock
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
People who act tuff then when something happens they run to get a big group of people.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when people are loud and act like children. To avoid this, you avoid those types of people.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
what do i hate i hate mean people what i can do about it is stay away from them.
(I forgot to post this before)
I also hate certian people, but their's no way to change that...
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
i hate clowns thay big dum red nose and the fruty smile thay be havin on thay face and that annoying chucal.
I Hate wen ppl prank call ppl.tht be gettin on my nerves!.lyk y cnt yu just call dem.
*bby girl*
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it? I Hate tea becuase its discusting.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when teachers yell at me.To change the problem i dont know it depends what kind of mood im in
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate golf.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
Well I hate ................... I hate when fat people blame fast food resturants if they decide to eat the food.
i hate the color orange.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate golf
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when people blame you for something but you didnt even do it. I can change it by telling them the truth.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it? something that I hate is when I got in trouble by my mom in front of my friend's and they laugh at me
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it? something that I hate is when I got in trouble by my mom in front of my friend's and they laugh at me
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hatefood i never had before because i dont know how it taste
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
boring books. not read boring books.
. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?I do not like school but I can make it fun by using all my materials and have fun.
I hate open cabnites i can glue them shut.
. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate talking on the phone I can change that by hanging up.
. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate it when people dont answer you when you call therir name a bnch of times. I can change it by screaming thir names.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when my little sister touches my stuff in my room.I hate fony people and peas and country music.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate being yelled at for no reason i dont know how to change it though. It seems that everyday i get blamed or yelled for no reason at all.!
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
The oen thing i hate is my little brother because every time im busy he will ak me to go on my ipod or computer and i will tell him no and then he will get all mad then go tell my mom and then she will tell me to give it to him so i will get ad and beat him up
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
something that i hate is spinich becasuse its nasty i could add something to it
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when a person says ' i hvae to tell you something ' so than you ask them what and they be like aww, ill teel you later . grr... that just makes me mad and its aannoyin . If you gonna tell me that tell me at the time you said you had to not later or dont tell me at all it ant hsrd.
- Also when my mom be like dont give me attitude , and she will give it to fisrt and she expect me not to recerve her some? back hahhaha.
. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
the only thing i hate is my younger sister caiside because if she do some thing like drop some thing or do what i`m doing i get in trouble not her me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
One thing that I hate is when i grt yelled for something that i didn'y do. One thing that i can do to changeit is to wait till they are deone and tell them that i didn't do it instead of yelling back
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when my mom goes on and on about stuff that's not even serious & gets mad for no reason. Makes me so mad. I don't know what to do to change it either.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I When A Girl Say That They Go With A Guy But Every Time Some Body Ask The Guy He Say No But Then When You Ask The Girl She say Yea Thats My Every Thinq.
And I Hate PHONEY And PETTY Girls.!!!!
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when my parents are telling me something but then they stop at the middle of a sentence and then they change the subject.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate the color orange, being iterupted, I hate when people repeat what just happen, I hate being in a messy places, country music oprea and waiting for a train to go when your diving I hate spider, I hate when people talk about my mom *grandma*, I hate being with lound people I hate being in crowds. I hate toddlers I hate blueberrys and rasberrys I hate anything cherry flavored I hate doing the dishes I hate it when my mom goes into my room when Im not ome I hate it when there are to many people in my room.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
What i hate the most is when people look in my stuff and sometimes even when they say if they could borrow something, but never give them back.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I really do loath rude and ignorant people. I see lots of people that are like that here at Dirksen. I really do wish that I could help this wonderful excellent school to have less bullies and have more friendship. My little complement, The bond between them. My spring break was great. I went to Chicago to visit the museum of science and industries. It was very fun!
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
Some time I giggle when it is qiuet.:)
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when when people are sitting aroud you and they are chewing with there mouth open. It's like close your mouth you are not an animal. That upsets me so very much.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate it when I get made fun off.Everyone pratically in 6th grade has made fun of me.Even the people that are my friends.I dont know what to do to change it.It make me sad :(.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate it when people say things about you then they ct like a nice person after and i hate it when people get in the middle of your life and ruin it!!!!!!!!! :(
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
Well I hate having diabetes but I can't change it so there is nothing that I really hate besides having my diabetes, so...
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate to repeat myself, and i can change it by speaking loud.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when people all ways asking me for money.
Hate is a very strong word. People can loathe or detest something for many different reasons. I really can say that I hate very few things. But, I do hate when people are rude, offensive and impolite to one another. People with manners, that show common courtesy, are always much more pleasant to be around. I personally try to remind people of manners whenever it is possible.
i hate how my milk for lunch today was so nasty . you can stop makin it so nasty
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate being yelled at. to change that I will try to do things that make my family happy instead of upset and maybe i wont get yelled at as much as I do now.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate homework but I really cant change that.But if i could then i would say to the princible to please let there be little or no homework.I would hope to let them say yes
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
Something that I hate is when people disrespect me. Something that I can do to fix it is not talk to that person.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
something I hate is my sister bothering me like every single day she always walks into my room and starts mesinc my game up.some thing i can change is to lock my door or close my door so she wont walk in.THE END
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
Something that I hate is dogs.
Something that I can do to change it is go by one and pet it.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it? Something that I hate is when people make up rumors about people especially when its about me. I can make it better by going off on that person
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
Something I hate is when I dont get to see my family members and dont get to spend time with my family because they moved and i would like to see all my family members when i was younger.
Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
1. what I hate the most is rude teachers and asweel as freinds you give them somthing they don't give you somhing for a whole month and i can change that by not giving them nothing
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate when people talk when the teachers are talking its so impolite.I would change it by sending peolple to the office if they disrupt the teacher.
I hate my grades and in order to change it, I need to study hard.
I really hate how peopele are so ignorent.I would change it by making peace with your enemies and try to look at their point of view.
1. Tell me something you hate and what can you do to change it?
I hate alot of thing well really just pepolpe just some people the thing that can change is nothing only if u can get her out my life.....
i dont know ow y people try to cute but they are realy acting ugly and dont like ugly. so i hope they try to et get your aked trait right k now before some thing bad happen real soon tthey are acting a real bad ugly way and god going to send them to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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