Acronyms are initials that stand for an organization, to make it easier to remember. Today many people text and email so they have acronyms for the shorter language use also. CSI, a popular TV show Crime Scene Investigation.Many people use letters for phrases, to be quicker when they text.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
Three acronyms are "Ave." Which stands for avenue. "St." Which stands for street and "blvd" which stands for boulevard.
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
-- bet, abc` lmfaooo. (: ?
-- bet, abc` lmfaooo. (: ?
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
There is no diffrence between text talk and acronyms.
V.P -vice president
U.S.A- united states of america
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
IDK - I don't know
st. - street
Ave. - avenue
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for.
Ummm, i can't really think of anything besides PETA which is people for the ethical treatment of animals. FBI is federal bureau of investigation. CIA is criminal investigative agency I think.
This one was hard to think of stuff.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
one is FBI, CIA, and JJC. JJC stands for joliet junior college.
like wjhsa
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
TBS : the best shows .
MVP :most valueble player .
DJHS : dirksen jr high school .
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
TBS : the best shows .
MVP :most valueble player .
DJHS : dirksen jr high school .
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
TBS : the best shows .
MVP :most valueble player .
DJHS : dirksen jr high school .
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
TBS : the best shows .
MVP :most valueble player .
DJHS : dirksen jr high school .
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK
b.e.t. black entertainment telivision
vip very important person
mvp most vauleble player
wtf wat the fck. lmao
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
djhs- dirksen junior high school.
ceo- chief executive officer.
naacp- national association for advancement of colored people. xD
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
djhs- dirksen junior high school.
ceo- chief executive officer.
naacp- national association for advancement of colored people. xD
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
MVP movst valuable player FBI Federal bural of investigation
CN Cartoon network
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK. one acronym that I know is WWE that stand's for world wrestling entertainment.
Acronyms are initials that stand for an organization, to make it easier to remember. Today many people text and email so they have acronyms for the shorter language use also. CSI, a popular TV show Crime Scene Investigation.Many people use letters for phrases, to be quicker when they text.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
FBI federal burreal investigation
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
Threee acronyms i iknow is Bet,UFO,and usa
black entertainment
United states America
unidentified flying object
. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
One is v.i.p very important person, m.v.p most valuable player, D.L. disabled list
. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
One is v.i.p very important person, m.v.p most valuable player, D.L. disabled list
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
FBI fedrel beru investagations
cia central intelligence agency
Three acronyms are "Ave." Which stands for avenue. "St." Which stands for street and "blvd" which stands for boulevard.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
U.F.O - unidentified flying object
Mr. - mister
CPD - Corbin Police Department
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
SVU-special victims units
CI-criminal intent
LMN-lifetime movie network
. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK
C.S.I. crime scene investigation
NYPD New York Police Department
EPA enviromental protection assosiation
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
UFO stands for unidentified flying object "JPD" stands for Joliet Police department and "BET" stands for Black Entertainment Television.
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
TBS : The Best Shows .
MVP :Most Valueble Player .
DJHS : Dirksen Jr High School.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
FBI=Federal Bureau of Investigation
USA=United States of America
CEO=Chief Executive Officer
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
FBI=Federal Bureau of Investigation
USA=United States of America
CEO=Chief Executive Officer
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
B.E.T.: Black entertainment T.v
L.A.P.D: Los Anglesa's police Department
T.B.S: The best shows
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK. pd police department csi crime seen investigation dq dairy queen
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK. pd police department csi crime seen investigation dq dairy queen
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
jjc; joliet jr college
jca; joliet cathloic acametty
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
jjc; joliet jr college
jca; joliet cathloic acametty
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
TBS : the best shows .
MVP :most valueble player .
DJHS : dirksen jr high school
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
TBS : the best shows .
MVP :most valueble player .
DJHS : dirksen jr high school
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK
FBI- fedrel beru investigation
cia-central intelligence agency
u.s.a-united states of america
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
L.A Los Angeles
U.S.A United States Of America
e.r emergency room
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
1.MPH that means miles per hour
2.OR that means operating room
3.FAPA that means fine arts and pratical art
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
1.U.F.O stands for unidentified flying object
2.NASA stands for natinal aeronautics and space administration
3.U.S.A stands for united states of america
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
DJHS:dirksen jr high school.
U.S.A:United states America
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
s.o.s u.s.a m.t.v
sheldon United music
omare states television
snapp american
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
Well I do know these of the following.
1. ER means Emergency Room.
2. TBS means The Best Shows.
3. MVP means Most Valuable Player.
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
Some acronyms are:NBA=National basketball Asoition
NBL:National basball league
NFL:National football league
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
one acronym is ave. wich stands for avenue also st. which stands for street and last ufo wich is unidentified flying object.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
EX for example
JJC for joliet junior college
for Michael luis mendoza
ST.Patricks,JJC,Ufo,and Ms..
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
St. street,blvd boulivard ufo (unidentfied flying object).
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
JJC-Joliet Junior College
BC-Before Christ
AR-Accelerater Reader
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
J.T.H.S.= Joliet Town Ship High School
U.S.A.= United States of America
D.J.H.O.= Dirksen Jr. High Orchestra
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
Three acronyms I know are ct. which stand for court, DJHS Dirksen Junior High School, and MVP is most value player.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
J.T is Joliet Township
D.J.H.S is Dirksen Jr. High School
J.C is Joliet Central
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
J.C.A. joliet catholic academy
J.T. joliet toownship
ent. entertainment
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK one is ST for street and there is DJHS for this school and there is also MT. for mountain
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK one is ST for street and there is DJHS for this school and there is also MT. for mountain
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
Emergency Room
Dirksen Jr. High
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
M.T.W maelena .t. williford
blk block
mon monday
Acronyms are initials that stand for an organization, to make it easier to remember. Today many people text and email so they have acronyms for the shorter language use also. CSI, a popular TV show Crime Scene Investigation.Many people use letters for phrases, to be quicker when they text.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
D.B. U.F.O. J.B.
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
There are a bunch of acronyms I know. JJC is for Joliet Junior College, ISAT stands for Illinios Standard Acievement Test, and P.E is for Physical Education.
1. Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
1. TBS means The Best Shows.
2. MVP means Most Valuable Player.
3. UFO means Unidentified Flying Object.
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for.
some are laugh out loud, be right back or away from keybord.
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
Three acronyms are UFO, Ave,and St. UFO stands for undenified flying object and Ave stands for avenue and St. stands for street.
give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK
an acronyms is anomous
give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK
an acronyms is anomous
Give me 3 acronyms you know and what they stand for. NO TEXT TALK.
The first one is D.J.H.S. which is Dirksen Junior Hgh School. The next one is F.B. which is Facebook. The next one is V.I.P. which is Very Iportant Person.
kk means ok
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