Wednesday, December 11, 2013


 " You need to give without remembering and receive without ever forgetting"
This quote is on my Christmas cards this year. What do you think it means?


  1. I think it means to give than receive or not to receive at all just be thankful.

  2. That means that you should give people gifts or do nice things for people without expecting things back.

  3. I think it means to be thankful for things that people give to you and to do the same to them.

  4. I think it means to be thankful for what you get.

  5. I think it means to give and receive and be thankful.

  6. I think this quote means to accept things that people give you and never forget about it and give without remembering just one person for one day.

  7. I really don't know what this quote means. Not one light bulb turned on in my head when I read it.

  8. This means that when you give something you need to give without expecting something in return and that when you receive you should never forget and give thanks.

  9. I really don't know what this quote means. Not one light bulb turned on in my head when I read it.

  10. I think that the quote means to give and not make people feel bad about it and to receive without forgetting who gave it to you.

  11. CameronBlackmon (8A)December 11, 2013 at 7:34 AM

    It means that you can are suppose to receive things thing so that you can remember those that gave that gift to you.

  12. I think that this quote means gifts don't last forever but memories last forever.

  13. I think the quote "you need to give without remembering and receive without ever forgetting" means you should give a lot without thinking about it and be able to receive about anything without forgetting what the person did and gave you something.

  14. I think this means that you should be thankful for receiving and should give without anything in return.

  15. this means no matter what you should be happy.

  16. it probably means that to be thankful for what you get

  17. don't be stingy about gifts and give bout gifts with respect.

  18. don't be stingy about gifts and give bout gifts with respect.

  19. I think this means that you should give things and not expect something back and that when you get something to never forget what you have gotten.

  20. I think this means that you should give things and not expect something back and that when you get something to never forget what you have gotten.

  21. I think it means to give without getting back.

  22. I thin the quote " You need to give without remembering and receive without ever forgetting" means that you should be thankful for what other people get you, and you should be giving a lot to others.

  23. I think it means that when you give something to someone you don't think of it as a big deal but when someone gives you something you thank them and feel happy

  24. I think it means to give without thinking you're being forced to and to accept the gift without complaining because the person that gave it to you was thinking of you when they were getting it.<3

  25. I think this quote means that you should give so many gifts that you should forget and you should receive many gift but never forget.

  26. That means that you have to give people gifts or do things nice for them without asking for things back.

  27. I really grateful to give my Christmas so I can move into the house.

  28. I think that it means that when you give something to someone you don't expect some thing back from that person.

  29. " You need to give without remembering and receive without ever forgetting"

    I think this quote means when you give without remembering what that person ever did to you and to receive from people even though you've been through rough times.

  30. I think it means to be thankful for things that people give to you and them to be thankful for things you do for them.

  31. I it means like give without like regretting, to not expect but give and be thankful.

  32. I wont to receive a cool gift for charismas

  33. I think this means to give some thing and receive and be thankful.

  34. It means the you don't forget who you give it to and you never forget who you receive it from.

  35. I think this means that you should give things to people or do good things and not expect to receive things back.

  36. I think it means give someone a present......than receive presents just be thankful.

  37. ariana aguirre 7B ;)December 11, 2013 at 8:55 AM

    I think that statement means to always give without thinking about it and to receive things you don't even like but to look act nice.

  38. I think give and receive means to be thankful.

  39. I think it means to give without knowing and to receive for giving what you had but you did not know you gave.

  40. Receive to not receive means to me to give something by hart and do not get something but you did it by hart.

  41. I think this quote means to give than stuff more than receive things so that you can respectful, thankful, and to have citizenship.

  42. I think it means that you should give a gift to a person without remembering what that did in the past. And that when you receive something you should never forget the thought that they put in the gift.

  43. I think it means don't remember what you give to somebody and just remember what people give you.

  44. I think that you can give and never forget that you were nice enough and receive and be thankful.

  45. I think it means to give and be thankful and when you receive not to be mean about it.

  46. " You need to give without remembering and receive without ever forgetting".
    This quote means that giving people gifts, don't remember about : I've spent so much money on this! or any other bad things. Just think about the moment and the feeling that person had, when you gave her or him that gift.

  47. I think it means that you need to give without forgetting that way you wont have to remember and to receive without ever forgetting that you are getting something whether its cool or lame. You will get something.


  48. I think it means to be generous when you give or receive something to someone.

  49. I believe that the quote "You need to give without remembering and receive without forgetting" means that you need to give without expecting something back. And that you need to never forget even the smallest things people do for you.

  50. I think this quote means to be thankful for the things that people give to you.

  51. when you give with out remembering that means your just spreading the joy of the holiday
    receiving is the joy ness of other people spreading joy. ^.^

  52. I think receive means to get something from someone. I think to give means to let somebody have something. So I think that quote means to remember what you get and be thankful for it.

  53. if you give something you will receive something

  54. This means to give without asking for anything and receive without forgetting what that person gave to you.

  55. I think that it means to give more to people and receive less from people

  56. I think it means you should always cherish what you receive and always give.

  57. I believe that it means give and receive while being grateful.

  58. I think this quote means to give rather than receive.

  59. I think it means that giving is less important that receiving something.

  60. I think it means to give something and don't think about receiving something in return.

  61. I think it means you should give people things and that it is less important then receiving.

  62. I think it means to give with out receiving any thing back.

  63. I think it means to give than receive or you might not even receive just be thnkful

  64. I think it means to give rather than recieve

  65. I think it tells you that because when you lose some one you still remember them forever.

  66. I think it means to give and receive gifts on the holidays and be thankful for what you have

  67. I would give then receive.

  68. I think this mean give and receive don't receive just be happy.

  69. What I think giving and receiving means is that you will buy someone something and someone will give you something in return to receive.

  70. I think it means when you give you should not think much about it but when you receive be thankful and remember it.Or it probiley means be thankful and when people get you things you should remember and repay but if you give thing s you should not bug them about repaying you

  71. I think it means to give someone something and in return you receive something from them.

  72. I think it means to give someone
    a gift and receive with out forget thing some thing you got

  73. I think that receive means something to be thankful for what you get and give to remember.

  74. Well I think it means to give something without getting a little mad and forgetting means when some body gives you something back to u for giving them something

  75. I think this quote means when you give don't expect something back and give just to give and without wanting something in return and when you receive be really thankful for what you got.

  76. To me giving without remembering is like when someone gives something to you, you should give something in return without remembering, and to receive without ever forgetting to me means that you can get something in return but to me it would just be nice to give something instead of having that person to give you something back.

  77. I think receive means to get something from some one. I think to give means to let somebody have something. So, I think that quote means to remember what you get and be thankful for it.

  78. Giving is when you give something
    to someone because you don't
    expect any thing from them. But
    if you receive something back you should say," Thank You".

  79. too give is better
