Many things in life can bring you happiness. Your family, friends, your church etc.Today explain to me what brings you happiness and joy?
"Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night"
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Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.
What brings me joy is the smell of the air after it rains.
Something that brings me joy is money especially when it's alot of money.
XBOX brings me joy.<<<<
Same thing as most people, family and being together/bonding with them brings me joy and happiness. Also, my birthday brings me joy because it reminds me that I'll eventually get old enough to take care of my mother (once she becomes an elder!).
what brings me joy is going home to my family without my dad cause he goes to work and being wwelcomed with the heat and everyone being happy and food i cnt touch until later.
Something that brings me happiness and joy is my mom, my dad, and my family. They bring me joy because they do everything for me, and I really don't see them a lot so I try to make every minute of it when I am with them.
One thing that brings me joy is my teddy bear his name is june bug he's a kawala bear by day and a thug by night.
The thing that makes me happy is being left alone by my family and just relaxing in my room by myself.
My friends and family brings me happiness and joy because they always make me laugh and I have a fun time when I'm around them.
Things that bring me joy is going to wrestling practice and going home to my whole and even my family from Mexico on christmas day...
What brings me joy and happyness is dance. I been dancing since I was four and found a passion for it. That's what gives me happyness and joy.
Well a lot of things bring me joy, but on Christmas, it is seeing my relatives' faces when they look at the amazing gifts I bought them.
MY family brings me joy all the time because they are really fun to be around.
Call of Duty Black Ops II brings me joy ^.^
What brings me joy and happiness is to see a smile on people's faces. It warms my little heart up to see someone so happy especially when I see babies or children.
Blacks ops 2 and Fifa 13 b ring me joy also soccer.
What brings me joy is One Direction. I love One Direction.
what brings me joy that i wake up in the morrning smelling home cook meal
Anacondas bring me happiness, and so does beyblade, and Doctor Who.
They make me happy by loving me.
to see my family and my girlfriend happy.
One thing that makes me happy is to see people around me happy .
One thing that gives me joy in the world is just being able to wake up in the morning and just be alive.
Black ops 2 brings me the joy in my life and Cookies, Tacos,,McDonald,Soccer,Barcelona,and my family.
What brings me joy is when I get home and go in my room and talk to my boyfriend Mauricio Tirado <3
Spending time with my family brings me joy.
One thing that makes me happy is resses because it's delicious and makes me smile. I also like talking to family I haven't seen in a while,
What brings me joy is when I get a new video game or the bears win a game while Im watching.
GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!
What brings my joy is my cat.
Video games, people, money, and life bring me happiness.
Well The Thing That Brings Me Joy Is ...... Well Really Nothing Im Havent Been Such A Happy Person Since My Sister And Cousin Have Died But If I Had To Pick Anything It Would Food .
The things that will make me the happy is my family and friends because these people are people who care about me and known them for a while or my whole life and thats why it make me happy most of the time.
What brings me joy are weekends because there is no school on Saturdays and Sundays
The things that brings me joy is going to Mexico to ride my hores.
What brings me joy is when my family as in(me,my mom,my dad,and my botheres)are all together hanging out not aurguing or fighting........:)
What makes me happy is presents and being with family.
What brings joy is Basketball!
What brings me happiness is my family and cupcakes.
Well The Thing That Brings Me Joy Is ...... Well Really Nothing Im Havent Been Such A Happy Person Since My Sister And Cousin Have Died But If I Had To Pick Anything It Would Food And To See My Family And My Boyfriend HAPPY : )
What brings me happiness is my family most of all because their very important in my life. SOmetimes we agrue and bicker a lot but I still love them equally and I don't know what I'll do without them. I always have happiness around close friends because some you can rely on,some you can be silly with.
The thing that begin me JOY is playing basketball and money.
The thing that bring me happiness is my family and friends and also one direction.
My grandma bring me joy
what bringsme joy is cupcakes
My family and bringing joy to other people
when somebody tell me they love me
Christmas brings me happiness.
The things that brings me joy is my family and friends.
What brings me joy is spending time with my family.
nitendo 3ds bring me joy.
Things that make me happy are my family members, friends.
What brings me joy is when my family gets together and we see each other.
What gives me joy is the smell of my moms fresh baked cookies.
my mom gives me happiness and I love my game system.
Music what ever tipe of music brings me joy.
The thing that brings me joy is Xbox and Playstation3. Some games make you feel like you are in there. Like grand theft auto.
When somebody makes my day :) !
what brings joy is when i can see my whole family especially on christmas and on birthdays or other ocasions.
What brings me joy is to know that my family is still alive and i can spend many years with and CHRISTMAS EPIALLY THE PRESENTS.
My mom and dad and brothers bring me happyness nad joy
The thing that bring me joy has been my family because they gave me birth and care (something like everyone else)
everyone have a great CHRISMAS and CHRISMAS EVE
The things that make me happy are food and family and friends also video games
What brings me happiness is wrestling because it's my favorite thing to watch.
something that brings me joy is being with my bff *.<3 alson listening to my fav music! And seeing JB and going to his concerts and other comncerts*.* Going to the mall with my friend!!And TEXTING :) And all day on facebook and internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Preasents make me happy!New stuff makes me happy especilly GAMES!:)resident evil,call of duty,and more games!
My Ipod, friends, family and sleep
what brings me joy my mother an familey god
what make me happpy is being with my friends.
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