My favorite book when I was little was...
Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.
Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book when i was little was Junie B. Jones.
My favorite book when I was little was...
-Green Eggs And Ham
It's a funny kid story...
My favorite book when I was little was...
It was something like The Paper Bag Princess. I can't remember.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book when I was little was Cinderella.
My favorite book when I was little was the three little bear was my book.
My favorite book when I was little was...
Dr.Suesse - Green Eggs & Ham
My favorite book when I was little was...
~the bearnstain bear books were my favorite. i readt most of them.
My favorite book when I was little was... The Three Little Pigs. & The Ginger Bread Man.
My favorite book when I was little was...
snow white and the seven dwarfs.
My favorite book when I was little was...
It was Junie B. ones and the Poky Little Puppy.
My favorite book when I was little was the robin hood. I wnted to be like him when I was little.
My favorite book when I was little was...
my favorite book when i was little was junie b.jones
My favorite book when I was little was...
All the princesses books. I just read them all.
My favorite book when I was little was...
- Johhny Appleseed. :D That was one of my favorite books (:
My favorite book when I was little was...
my favorite was the three lutulle bares it was the baste book never.
My favorite book when I was little was...
my favorite book when i was little was junie B. Jones
My favorite book when I was little was...
My fav book was Junie B.
My favorite book when I was little was...
was snow white or other princess books.
My favorite book when I was little was...
I Didn't Have A Favorite Book I Liked To Watch Scary Movies.
My favorite book when I was little was...
was arthur or like goosebumbs book by r l stine.
My favorite book when I was little was...
I didn't really have a favorite book but I did like the Dr.Suesse books.
My favorite book when I was little was...
my favorite book when i was little was the bearstien bears .
My favorite book when I was little was...
green eggs and ham
My favorite book when I was little was...
My Favorite Book Was Dr.Suess
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book when I was little was The Three Little Pigs
My favorite book when I was little was...
Green Eggs and Ham.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book when I was little was the cat and the hat.
why because they use ta be funny.
My favorite book when I was little was...
I loved Beauty and the beast when i was a little girl because i loved her dress in that movie.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book was spongebob because hes awesome.
My favorite book when I was little was...
Cinderlla because I liked the big dress Cinderella wears.
My favorite book when I was little was...
Tea pot the reason why was because the tea pot would sing a song and it will be so catch thats why i love that book.
My favorite book when I was little was.
Green Eggs And Ham becuause
It's a funny kid story.
My favorite book when I was little was...
beauty and the beast because i loved how he was a beast at first then changed into a man that was loved at the end
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite kids story was captain underpants because it was funny and cool...
My favorite book when I was little was...
- Green Eggs and Ham because it's a funny kid story.
My favorite book when I was little was...
It was beauty and the beast something like that . Because you dont need to tret others bad be the way the look .
My favorite book when I was little was...
Chicka Boom - Boom , or Junie B. Jones. They kept me reading.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book when I was little was The Berenstain Bears, because it was funny.
My favorite book when I was little was... Green Eggs And Ham because my mommy actually made me green eggs and ham and it was good .
My favorite book when I was little was... The Three Little Pigs becuse I like when the wolf blows down the house and that 2 of the pigs were not smart and they got there house blown down.
My favorite book when I was little was...
about the big red dog
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book when I was little was Goosebumps series by R.L Stine. I like the books because they were exciting and scary.
My favorite book when I was little was...
Well, a few years back, when I was 7-9, my favorite was a picture-book called Pinduli. It was about this hyena cub. I loved the pictures! (PS. I still like that book) It was funny.
My favorite book when I was little was...
my favorite book whenm i was a kid was an elmo book that when u opened it it played music i loved that book becuase it played music i love elmo.
My favorite book when I was little was...The bernstein bears because I used to wath it all the time on tv and I had all the books.
My favorite book when I was little was...
the miraculos adventures of edward tubmann because i loved how the story ended with a happy ending.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book when I was small was "Winnie the Pooh". Because I would read and watch the movies of it andthey were funny.
My favorite book when I was little was..........A Child Called It, I liked this book because I enjoyed reading about other peoples liife and the book was sad but interesting and plus it was a series.This was also my favorite book because my sister would always read it to me at night.
My favorite book when I was little was...
my favorite book wheni was little was ALL the dr suess books i had the whole collection i liked the collection because of the adventure and weirdness
My favorite book when I was little was...
my favorite book wheni was little was ALL the dr suess books i had the whole collection i liked the collection because of the adventure and weirdness
My favorite book when I was little was...
Red Riding Hood.
My favorite book when I was little was... Berstein Bears because I love how they don't have names they just say brother bear.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book was the three little pigs.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book was the three little pigs.
My favorite book when I was little was...
It is Green eggs and ham because its funny. #funny
My favorite book when I was little was...Hop on Pop By: Dr Seaus
Because i thought it was funny and it rhymed.
My favorite book when I was little was...
cat in the hat because theres a lot of color.
My favorite book when I was little was...
The Berstein Bears because i love when the dad went for a swim and he always hit something.
My favorite book when I was little was...Berenstein Bears because it was funny.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book when i was little was Dr.Seuse Green eggs and ham because it was very funny and when i was inkindergarden my teacher had made us green eggs and ham before andit was really good.
My favorite book when I was little was...
The wizard of oz because when i was little i used to always watch that movie time and time again.
My favorite book when I was little was...
Green eggs and ham because he chases him everywhere.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite book when I was young is The Three Little Pigs I liked it because it was diffrent.
My favorite book when I was little was... winne pooh because its fun to read and its still my favorite book.
My favorite book when I was little was...
I think my favorite book when I was little was "If You Give A Mouse a Cookie..."
This was probabaly my favorite book when I was little because I thought it was funny and nice to know. I think I still have this book.
My favorite book when I was little was... spunge bob squre pants beacuse I still like spungebob squre pants.
My favorite book when I was little was...
My favorite children book was diary of a wimpy kid because it is so much funnier when you read the book then watch the movie.
My favorite book when I was little was...
drive-by because of the mysterys and it gives you advice
My favorite book when I was little was...
The Cat In The Hat Because I Thought It Was Really Amazing How The Cat Could Stand In A Ball And Balance A Whole Bunch of Stuff Without Getting Hurt.^.^
What was your favorite book when you were a kid?
mine was the wizard of oz
i like that book because its funny and they had my most favorite actors in it.
My favorite book when I was little was...
The true story of the 3 littel pigs. I liked it because it was funny the way the wolf told the story it was a whole differt point of view from the way the piggys told the story
My favorite book when I was little was...
My fav book when i was littl was the wiches because it was fasenating (idk how to spell that) and funny.
diary oF A wimpy kid. i like it because it was long it was adventurest,fun,and crazy.
My favorite book when I was little was...
I really dont remember what the name was but all I know was that it had nothing but poems.I really enjoyed poetry when I was little and still do.I just recently started writing poetry.I dont know why I liked poetry when I was little but I think I still have the book.I also liked a fairy tale book that I still have.It was packed with many fairy tales!
My favorite book when I was little was...
...I really dont know because I loved all the books I read. Not all of them but you know. I'll see.
My favorite book when I was little was...
"i love you forever" my mom news to read it to when i was a child she read it to my sister wen she was little too. now were reading it to my brother emilio because it is about growing up as abxios teenager or terrible 2s his mom loves him and at the end when he gets a kid of its own
My favorite book when I was little was........
My favorite book was the hungry little catapiller by eric carl.I liked it because all the things the catapiller did was funny.
My favorite book when I was little was No david.
My favorite book when I was little was...
Green Eggs And Ham because of how he is always fighting with Sam I am and it really made me laugh a lot when I was a little kid.
My favorite book when I was little was...
cliford the red big dog.This was my favorite because I always love the storys and I still do lol
My favorite book when I was little was...
The ginger bread man and charlie and the choclate factory
spongebob books
My favorite book when I was little was...
Junie B. Jones because she a funny little girl, who was pretty smart . :)
My favorite book when I was little was...
Repunzil & the little mermaid because I love the people in the book and how it is.
0h and the hungry little catapiller
My favorite book when I was little was...
my favorite book was george of the jungle
My favorite book when I was little was...
Beuty and the beast because it was funny,romantic anf sad. I also love the book the little mermaid because I love the water and because I always dreamed about being a princess when I was little.
My favorite book when I was little was...
Repunzil & the little mermaid and all the other princess books because I love the people in the book and how it is & junie B. jones and Dr.Suesse - Green Eggs & Ham &the bearnstain bears.
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