Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was: i dont know.Do you agree with this? Why or why not? yes i agree, because we need family time.
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes because family is more important then anything else.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
My resolution is to talk more and to not be so shy.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do agrr with this because people should rather spend time with their family and friend so their relation ships with eachother can stay close together.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do agree with this. I agree because people need to spend more time with they family.
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
naah cant even do it .
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes and no. I like texting more then being on the pone but spending more time with my family is good too.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
(oops.... I thought we were supposed to make up resolutions. Yes I do agree with this because people should talk more in real life.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I don't agree because texting doesn't make people from having conversations, people are just a little less social but they should still be able to talk about stuff.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I agree. I should take less time on technology.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
No , I dont agree because i Do not do non of this stuff alot and when i'm with my family i forget about the internet and but i always text.
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I agree with this resolution because people spend to much time in social networks and texting.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I guess I agree with this because what am I going to do all day on the computer or TV? I Have some goals to do an I plan on finishing it before I'm twenty. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm being lazy on what I want to do and to finish this I have to get rid of these things.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I think texting doesnt really make you go apart with your family its just a diffrent way to conversate.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes because family is more important.
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do not agree because i like to text and i do not want to have conversation because it gets strange with me.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do agree that people need to spend more time with family because I myself feel that I spend too much time on the social network of computers and texting and not so much time with my family.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?I agree becaus then relashionships would grow stronger.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Nope -___-
That's why people text . To text their friends . I think people who play World of Worcraft need a life . That should be their resolution . No problem with Facebook & Texting (:
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I agree because its better to do something then sit and do nothing.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes because some of my family spend all day on facebook
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I don't think they should because they are already talking to people while they are texting.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was: To stop smoking and drinking was the numbert 1 resolution.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes I agree b3cause people need more family time.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
i dont think that because i already do
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I agree, but me and my sisters always spend time with my mom and dad.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes because we need more tie to get excercise and stanima
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting;
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
nope , I spend enough time with my family ; Their kinda hard to spend alot of time with , so I spend some time with them .
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I disagree because your spending time on the phone and on the internet so basically your spending time.
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
A:I agree to this
E:My family is more to me than anything
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
i agree. why because people are always on facebook and stuff and it KILLS their sight.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes i's do's agree wit this cuz a lot of peopl dont spend enough time wit friends.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I agree to this statement because people need to
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes I agree because I think you should spent more time with family because its a new year an lots of people dont spend that much time with there family.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
I would not agree with this because i see my family everyday anyway and i like being a=on the computer anyway because i live with my family and i get tired of them sometimes also i dont see my friends everyday so i will make time for my friends. I will never stop texting though to make time for family if they dont make time for me.
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes , i agree because being on the social network and texting can make you spend last time hanging with your family a lot.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was..Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
My resolutions are I am going to be nicer to peopleand I am going to be more independentin most of my classes and at home, Yes, I agree because sometimes family is the most inpotant thing in the world.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes i agree with this. But, then again maybe sone people dont live by there families. But if they did then yes, they should spend more time with there families.
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yeah, I agree becuase people get on facebook, on their phone or on videogames.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I agree because I like to spend time with my family to.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do not agree with this, because the only way I can hang out with friends lately is phone and online. Plus I'm always broke so I can't go out.
I agree with this because family is the most important.
I do not agree because you are still talking to them I can do both
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes, because you need to spend time with your family and share stuff with eachother
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was: i dont know.Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I dont agree because you can still be with your family.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was: i dont know.Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I dont agree because you still could just be with your family.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
yup i want to spend time with the family.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do agree that people need to spend more time with family but it can sometimes get boring not to text........
Do you agree with this? Why or why not? yes i do agree with that it i about making new resoluion!!!
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
no because i cant live without tv or internet because i love my electronics.
The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
No becaue some people in the world do not like their family so kids use the internet for the there time!!! ;D
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
No, because there boring and especially my sister is annoying and technology is funner.
make time for my family and friends and less watching tv,computer,texting,playing game on my phone,lisening to music.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes i do agree, because my family mean more to me than the world.
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
i do not agree with this resolution because how about someone is trying to send a inportant text message in your cell phone
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I disagree because maybe alot of other people do spend enough time with their family or what if people text or watch tv with their family i know the people I text is mostly my cousins.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes make more time for my family and friends because family is family on matter what !! and if you dont spend time with your friends they would probly turn on you because they think you dont like them no more
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
i do agree with this because then i can make more time for family and friends
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
well i would do the same spend time with my friends and family and spend time in the cumputer just a little bit.
.Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
i do but in the other no becuse you need your own time .but you have your family so i dont know ?
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
YesI do agree with this because u need to spend time with family.
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes because we need to go and get to know some of your relitives that you dont know.
Resolutions means you are going to make some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was: i dont know.Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes i agree because everybody need friendsnd and family time and little less family time.
umm well that stuff is so much fun.....it makes me wanna cry....but yea familys alright tooo....sometimes.
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
no, i do not because i mean texting is like the only way to talk to friends out of school so i like texting and without tv, i wouldn't be able to watch jersey shore ... );
no becuz i love to watch tv n text n be on the computer n stuff soo yeah
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
no because my family is always agureing in it get on my nerve so i would like to stay on the internet
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
no because my family is boring and something always going on on facebook.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes, I agree with this because I think that being with friends and family is more important than being alone watching tv and being on the computer.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do agree with that resolution because electronicis do take over a lot of time so its a good thing to do something else. Family and friends i agree are better to have.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes I agree because family and friends are more important than watching tv and texting.
i dont watch t.v so ya i spend more time with my family and friends i do text but i dont do it when im with my family and friends.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
sure cause family is important.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
i agree with this because family is more important than any of that computer and watching tv
The number one resolution for this Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes because it is important to socailise one to another not over the internet.
Yes becuase i need to speend more time with my family
yes i do agree to it becaise family is important.
ummmm well all that stuff is so fun......it makes me wanna cry......but family is alrite toooooo......sometimes
I dont really watch t.v. But i do use facebook , twitter , tumblr , voxer , skype , and I do text alot. so I guess I sort of agree with it and then I sort of dont.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yea I agree cause I kinda be on my PS3 all day so yea I could spend a little more time with my mom
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not
No i do not sgree because i have more family that dont llive in the same state so we use facebook to contact them ^^ yay facebook
Do you agree with this? Why or why?
I have to have my computer, tablet, and phone because I need to go on Facebook, Twitter, and I have to text to keep in touch with my friends. I do not agree with the resolution.
Well...I make time for family and friends so no and as far as social networking I don't get on any more because it has way to much drama and stuff with texting its not a lot of drama I prefer to get on the internet on my phone so if I get a message on a networking site it goes straight to my phone so I can reply
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
no i dont ageree with that because i believe that spending tim with fam(ily)
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I dont agree with this because you can just socialize with your family online while your with your friends or the other way around.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I don't agree withtbat because I can chat with my family online and that will be kind of having time with your family nd also friends.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not
No i do not sgree because i have more family that dont llive in the same state so we use facebook to contact them ^^ yay facebook
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I disagree because my parents be on facebook and all that online and they be chatting with they family and friends and I do the same and we still in family time.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
No I do nit agree. Because haveing social networks and texting and stuff it helps make time for every one. You can be texting a friend and spending time with familey.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
No because you can be on your phone texting while your with your family
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Well i dont watch tv alot but i text soo. It Depends.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?Yes I do all because I do not like when people do and I like when people do come outside and play.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do agree with this because family and friends is very important for me because you can always count on them.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do agree with thi because my family and my friends are more inmportant to me than some computer or gaming system.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolutionbeci for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes i agree because kids just text and dont interact with there families enough
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes,iDo because its always good to spnd time with your family & friends and the computer be borin sometimes.!
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yess i do agree with this because some people should start spending more time with there family.
Becauseits a new year and people should start doing that for this year.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes i think this the number one New Years Resolution.I know because I asked all my family and three of them said that.My sister is the main one she be on facebook and text to much but I do come out a lot unless its to coldbecuase my mom dont want me to get sick.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes i think this the number one New Years Resolution.I know because I asked all my family and three of them said that.My sister is the main one she be on facebook and text to much but I do come out a lot unless its to coldbecuase my mom dont want me to get sick.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
No I do not agree with this ,I actually just got my phone and ipod for Christmas , there like my new obsession . I love my phone , and Ipod because , I can take pictures and put it on facebook and just get on facebook . I text my proabably
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
No I don't agree becuase some familys like their personal space and some familyscan't take their eyes of their phones.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do agree with this becuse you have to see more family and friend then staying at home.
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting. I do agree because it'simportantto be with family and friends then be om the internet.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes I agree because I think that people need to spent time more time with family and less time watching TV and being on the social networkof computer and texting.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
No because i feel that u need to have a little time for the internet and things.
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I do agree because you should spent more time with them.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
I agree becuase somtimes parents are always at work and never spend time with you.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes I do agree because you need to speend time withfriends and family
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
NO I DONT NO!!!!!!
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was: i dont know.Do you agree with this? Why or why not? yes i agree I wanna be a better in life at school my brother told me to be more good yo my teachers so...i agree i have some good changes ......love you....
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
no ido not agree with that at all because thats somthing that i do evey day.
Resolutions means you are going to make some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was: i dont know. Do you agree with this? Why or why not
yes i kinda a agree because i still want txt but u can get rid of twitter and facebook :)
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
i agree that we shoul we should talk to our friends and fam[ily]more because famly is important to mi family .
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
i do agree because i think i really need to be with my family more than on the computer because on day i might not have all my family members to talk to
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not? I agree that we should have to spend time with are families because kids will be on the computers and on there phones.
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
well you have conversations while texting and thats a conversation and u can text family memmbers or text them in facebook plus you do have talk to your family so I dont know so yah.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes i agree because im always on the computer or my phone or xbox and never with my family
Image] Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
i agree
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
i do agree with it but i think that it would be to much work to try and stop but its a habit of mine i know that if my phone vibrates for someonethat updated on facebook im going to be on it all day.
Many people make New Years Resolutions.
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes i agree because im always on the computer or my phone or xbox and never with my family
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
No i do not agree because u can talk to family that are somewhere else and you can enjoy texting and fb
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes i do agree,because you get too have more conversations with family and friends.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
well you have conversations while texting and thats a conversation and u can text family memmbers or text them in facebook plus you do have talk to your family so I dont know so yah
No I need to get on the computer and watch TV and Text.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes i think we should speed more time with family because it not good to be on the computer all day
Yes,people dont get a lot of family time.So I agree.
i say sure i guess
Resolutions means you are going to make
some changes in your life. The number one resolution for this year was:Do you agree with this? Why or why not i agree because people spend way to much time doing that.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
yes i agree because people don`t talk to people face is the same on the computers.
Make more time for my family and friends and
less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
Yes, I think kids shald spend mare tme with
Make more time for my family and friends and less time watching TV and being on the social network of computers and texting.
Do you agree with this? Why or why not?
50/50 because sometimes i get tired being around my parnets.
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