1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.
Welcome to Dirksen Junior High's Literacy Lab. You will be expected to post on blog every day you are in class. Please remember that your blog can be viewed by not only myself, but your classmates. Everything here should be school appropriate.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes, I do plan on going to college after high school. I want to go to Lewis University, but it is a little too expensive. Lewis University is more expensive than the University of Illinois. But yeah, I'd love to go to Lewis University.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
ii do plan too qo too college after hiqhh school.
ii dont know yet .
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
i will qo to college in carbandale where my auntie ashley qoes i qicture my self in a good restraunt that pays a lots of money like its called crakle barrel
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I dont know what the heck is going nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww here.:)
But I well have fun
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I want to go to college and becoe a actor after high school.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes I plan to go to college after high school. I really dont know yet what college I wanna go to. I picture my self working at like a store for exampel Jewel or someother type of store.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
YES i plan to go to college and go pro for football or basketball
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation? I plan on going to ohio state to play football.
Yes, of course I want to go college after high school, for sure I am going Galludeut College.
I pictured myself, painting, or making a comic book at my huge artist style table, working so hard to be better successful deaf artist. (:
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan to go to college after high school. I have no idea where I want to go. I do plan on working at a job, I would help in the bakery, my but career would to be a chef.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
After high school I plan to go to collage. I would like to go to UCLA.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan to go to college after high school. I would rather got to St. francis or Nebraska. I picture myself after high school graduation in college working as waitress.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
yes i do planing on going to high school after college i do don't know what collage i going to yet but i anm going to west .
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes I plan to go to college right after highschool. I'm going to a place where I get a scholarship for, wherever that will be. Well I'm probably going to try to get a part-time job somewhere while at college, but I dont know.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan to go to college after high school. Where? I planing to go to california and go to college over there. Also I plan to go to go work after college and I picture me working in a hospital has a nurse or doctor.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I dont plan on going to collage but when im done with high school i want a job.I dont really know where im going to work but i want the job to be easy not long and gives alot of money. Maybe i would work at this place could pmall almost all of my family and there friends work there.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
-->Yes i do plan on going to college after high school,I Dont know where i want to go to college at.I want to have a job whille in college and i want to work some where in the mall.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes I do plan on going to college after high school. I still don't know what college I would like to go yet.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan on going to college(still not sure where yet).During my years in high school i plan on getting a simple job just to save up money. Once I go to college Im gonna be planning more for my future job that I've wanted.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan to go to college after high school and the job I'm picture myself working as a nurse or a video game programer or a song writer.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
when i get done with high school i am planning to go to mexico. but i want to work when i am in high school so i can save money for a good collage to go to. and the good thing about that is that my uncle works at a car wash and he says that when i am 16 he will get me a job there. so after i save some money and get done with high school i will go to mexico and go to a good collage and get a part time job.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
i dont know yet but i do know that i wont to go so yea and when i do go iam going for foot ball and b ball
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes I plan on going to college. Althogh I know I want to go to college im not sure which one yet.
The job I want to have is work at a shoe store.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation? Im not thinking about college or where and im not thinking about jobs either.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
i plan to go to college but i dont know wher to go to.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes, I'm going to college after highschool to the American Academy of Art. Thats down in Chicago and its really expensive, but I'm sure I'll be able to pay it off.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes i do plan to go to collage.Morhouse duke georgoetwon north carloina. Be a nursing or play althetic
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do picture myself going to college but idk where yet. All i know is that im goin to be a king
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes, I plan on going to college but, I dont know what college im going to go to yet.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan to go to college im not really sure yet. Im kind of thinking university of IL. But if i get offerd somewhere way better i might take that chance. I wanna be a laywer when i grow up. So anywhere they have a good edcucation for crimanal lawyer stuff i would pick that. (:
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
yes ido plan to go to collage after high school?idk yet but some where far?go to law school then go to be a gujg?and that is my plan ?
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yea I plan too Collage go to collage at university of Chicago or whatever its called, Its somewere in Chicage.. thts all I kno. Yeah I'll work when I get out of highschool but it probably wont be a very good job until I go to collage.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
yes and at joliet jr college 3m or the job i have right on.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I plan on going yo go to college. I dont know with one i want to go to but as long as i get a good job after i go to the college. but if i cant pay for it then i would get a job to pay for it.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Ido plan on going to college in georgia(i think) or los angelus(i cant spell that). After highschool, i might work anywhere besisdes a boring place(mostly n hopefully)-----_______------
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I don't know but I guess I will go to work at Pep Boys.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yea I Do Plan On Goinq To College After Hiqh School But I DONT Know Whichh One All I Know Is I Wanna Go Otta State ! {ADEOS,ILLINOIS} :)
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Ehh, I guess xP ! I would probly go to a fancy college, but I mean every school is tha same so it really wouldn't matter. Uhm, I would probly work at my high schooljob still nd maybe after a year or two, start applying for a job in my specific field. Idk I don't really think of this stuff often so yeah. . . xD
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
yes i plan to go to college at one that have a vet thing there . i picture my self at a store.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
i do plan too go too college after highh school.
i dont know yet.
. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan on going to college and I would go to a college that involed sports.I picture my self playing baseball on the cubs.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes I do plan on going to collage after high school at a place that I could lern about videogame programming.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I plan to go to college after high school. To get a better education ;DDD
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I am going to college after high school. I picture myself at a good job I hope
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation? yes i do because i what to get a good school like college and play baseball all the time.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan on going to college. Joliet Jr. College. I plan on working at either fashion stores or either glitters in the mall or a fancy 5 star resturant.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
After college I plan on going to Univesity of North Carolina. Then I don't know what my job will be.
well right now i dont want 2 go 2 college cause i dont like goin 2 skool... i would rather have a job n be able 2 cum straight home. i would work n sumthin i really would like 2 work at. Yup thats all i would really want 2 do;))
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan to go to college but, i still dont know where i would like to go .
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
yes,I have a plan to go to college after high school.I want to lewis University,But I want a full scholarship,I want to become a plastic surgeon!
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
yes, I want to go to collage or job because I cn do stuff with my life instead of sitting on my butt ny whole life.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Walmart or flippin burgers at white castle or follow my dream and play soccer.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes I do plan to go to college after highschool. I plan to go to Duke or North Carolina for basketball. I do plan to go right to work so while im playing basketball and getting scholarships to colleges for basketball I can have money to lay back on.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes, I plan to go to college after high school.I don't what college I'll go to.I hope I get a good job that I'll like:)
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
yes i do plan on goin to college i will be a basket ball player or somthing els
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Nothing I want to go to collge.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I actually do plan to go to collage I am not sure what collage but I will decide when I all most go there I do want to go to collage and finish it then I would get a job but I want to finish my school work hen get a job.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I actually do plan to go to collage I am not sure what collage but I will decide when I all most go there I do want to go to collage and finish it then I would get a job but I want to finish my school work hen get a job.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yes, I plan to go to college after high school. I dont know where I want to go. I want a job. I want a job that is short not long. I want a job that pays a lot of money. I want to work at pmall where my mom works mostly all of my family members work there.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
yes,because my hole family did
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I plan on going to the art university in D.C. so I can be a artist....... cuz i luv drawing.........<3 <3 I would like to go to the university in D.C. like my bff Bobby (not the one here the one that i have known since i was born)cuz he is very good and he said i could one day be as good as him so now you know my plan to become an artist <3 lexi
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation? I plan on going to JJC or Joliet Junier Collage than go to UIC next when I graduate I would go to work at a gas station.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I plan to go to college.I think in Maimi and then I will go to work in a good job.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan to go to college after high school.UFS.At a simple job.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I do plan going to collage after high school also geting a job, i see myself being a doctor or nurse.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation? would want work at the nba play basketball and be in the allstar game
Do you planhe s to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
i will go to usf because my whole family went their.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
I would Joliet Jr. college and i would probobly work at a store.
1. Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Well after graduation me and my friends are going to california to live our life.Then, I will attend a school there.I plan to be working in a theater somewhere acting and singing.
Do you plan to go to college after high school? Where at? If you plan to go right to work at a job where do you picture your self working after high school graduation?
Yess i plan to go to college after school ;At Spellman after i graduate i see myself working at a day care center .
1. What time do you go to sleep on school days? Besides your bed where is your favorite place to sleep? Do you have rules at your house about what time you go to bed?
On school days I go to bed whenever im tired && my favorite place to sleep is?? my bed...
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