We all know this weather can be harmful for people without any heat in their homes. Today think about the animals that are outside. Pets should not be left out for long periods of time, because like humans, pets can get frostbite.What if animals could talk ?
1. Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If I had dog they would say to me put me inside or something like that:)
1. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
I would pick a squirrel , because my pets dont live outside and a squirrel does. I would give the squirrel a cover or lanket and they might ask me if they can come inside my house .
1. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If I could talk to an animal, I think they would ask me if they can come in my house, probably because i have heat in my house, not ALL animals get to live in a house (x
. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
- They would ask if I could go play outside with them.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If I saw a squirrel outside in the cold I think they would want me to take them inside my house .
1. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If an animal could talk to me about the weather, they'd ask why it's so cold beacuse they're kind of slow so they wouldn't understand.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
I have a dog and she really don't like the snow so i think she would tell me to take Him back inside because He alway's outside.
1. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
Today I asked a squirrel about how does he feel about the weather.He said he didnt like it at all.He said he was always freezing cooled.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
I have a dog, and she is always in the snow. One thing I think she would ask me when she would have to go back inside because she loves the snow but she would probably want to come in sometime!
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
I think it will say why it is so cold and it's snowing. {8A}
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If my pet[dog] could talk he would tell me to take him outside so he can go play in the snow, because he likes the cold and loves to play in the snow.
Q: Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
A:I think that they would ask me to let them into my nice warm home.
1. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
My dog would probably say "Where are the squirrels?"
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If my dog could talk to me, they would probably ask me if it can go inside my house because of the cold weather.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
A bird would probably ask me for a ride to mexico because his wings fell off due to frostbite.
1. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
Well my dog Eowyn,loves the snow,I think my dog would ask me if we could go play outside.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
I think it will say why is it so cold and it's sonwing. {8A}
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If a squirrel could talk I think it would ask me where they could get other types of food because they've been getting tired of always eating acorns .
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If i saw a squirrel that could talk i would kick it right in the face.
Q:Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
A:I think that it would ask me to let me into my home.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather? if my dog could talk i think hed ask me why do i make him use the bathroom in the freezing cold and i slip and slide on ice alot
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
I think it will say it is cold and it's snowing {8A}
We all know this weather can be harmful for people without heat. But today think about the animals that are outside. Pets should not be left out for long periods of time, because like humans, pets can get frostbite.What if animals could talk ? 1. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather? My dog would say ''Let me in'' and start crying, but I am not mean so I would keep him inside.
. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
I think my dog Dallas would ask me why it gets cold outside. I would tell Dallas thats how the world is the weather changes from cold to hot.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
It would ask me to go into my warm home.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
they would probally say that if they could stand and if they had thumbs they would lock you outside and see how you like it.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
My dog would probably say can I go out side and play in this weather.
And I would say no you will freeze to death.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
if a pet could talk and he was out side he would tell you can you please put me in side because i am cold.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If I let my Guinea Pig outside it would probably say "get me out of this cold!!"
for patino
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
My dog would say why dont you come out here and see hows it feel bub and the he would run under my bed :)))
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather? If one of my dogs can talk they would ask to come inside for some hot water or milk yaya:)
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
The squirrel will probably complain to about the need for warmth while shivering its teeth. Then the squirrel will go to other houses causing the neighbors to file a complaint.
1. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If i had a dog and I put it outside in a bad weather me dog will say can you plase let me in I am cold out here.
1. Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
My pet dog would tell me it's freezing and he would want me to try to be outside without a jacket and see how it feels. He would tell me that he hates it when it's cold because he has to wear his little sweater.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If my dog Dominno could talk i think he'd say, It's cold out here i ani't about to stay out here! then he mite bite me. :(
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather? I think my pet would say "I'm freezing can you please let me in.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
they would probaly tell me to come and let me out but dont leave me out for to long cause i might just get frostbit and i might just die if it is relly long.if u dont bring me in im going to attack you if you dont bring me in right now
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
I think it will tell me if i left it outside is let me in the house now im cold.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
In this weather if my pet could tack I think it would tell me that it would want something to eat or play with me. Also it would tell me al the secret things they do behind peoples backs.Also my pet mite bother me and I would wish my pet would stop taking.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
My dog would say i understand that you have to let me outside to use it but when i bang on the window, let me inside! I hate the cold but i love the snow. The snow is hard ow si i ca't play i it. So let me inside when i come to the window!!!!!
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If my dog could tslk it would say not to take it outside because it is too cold.That if I let him outside in the cold he woould run away and find a better owner and home because i would be mean and krul>but i never let my dog out my gogz name iz Trufflezz
i <3 Trufflez
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If my dog could tslk it would say not to take it outside because it is too cold.That if I let him outside in the cold he woould run away and find a better owner and home because i would be mean and krul>but i never let my dog out my gogz name iz Trufflezz
i <3 Trufflez
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
My dog would say "I'm not going outside uless i have to use the bathroom". He wouls say its just to cold to be outside.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If i left my pet[dog] outside i think my he would say let me in because im cold.then i would let him in and give him a cover.and some food.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
If my pet Daisy (chihawha) were to talk it would say " wendy, please take me inside I'm freezing outside"
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
1. Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
they would say ill be a good pet dont leave me here i sware dont leave me here its cold NOO
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather? In the weather that we have today I think he would ask me if he could come in side, and tell me that he is really cold. then after that i would say im sorry for leaving him out side for that long.
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
the question i would ask a cold animal is "hey there,are you cold? because if you are i'll let you come inside.
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
Why do you leave me outside in this weather?
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
HE well tell you that can you take me in your home.
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
I think my own dog would say something like "Let me outside Michael, I love the weather!!" My dog doesn't mind the weather what so ever and never has. If their was a blizzard outside he'd still want to go outside.
1. Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather? If i had a pet outside in snow it would say to me "its to cold get me out of the snow."
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
I think that a animal that is outside in very cold weather might tell me that he or she is very cold and if it could go into my home
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
I think my pet would say "I am getting to cold out here.Can I come in now?"
What if animals could talk ? 1. Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
I would believe that my dog Brownie would say something like,"how are you doing and horrible weather we're having."I would say to my dog why are you talking now after all this time.
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
my pet guinea pig would be like what it wong with you why would you put me out side with no food or water its so cold waaaaaaa get me out NOW now im hungy feed me . then i would like zip it you are alrady inside and thare is food in tour cage.
1. Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
I would pick my dog because he's so awesome i love him so much. I would never leave him outside for a long time because if i do he will get hurt or have frostbite! I would never leave my poor animal or any animal outside, thats just wrong they'd die of starvation or dehydration and thats not good for a dogs or any other animal. :[
Pretend today that a squirrel or your own pet could talk . You will pick one to tell me what they would ask you in this weather?
My pitboll wold wunt a big bone and she will be hapy and she love staying in side she allweys go to slepe on my bed.
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather? can I come in. and hlep i,m stunk.
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
If my animal could talk to me about if they would like to be left outside for a long period of time, they proabably wouldn't like it so much. Because lately the weather had ben pretty cold outside.
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
If my animal could talk to me about if they would like to be left outside for a long period of time, they proabably wouldn't like it so much. Because lately the weather had ben pretty cold outside.
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
I dont have a pet but my neighbors dogs they would be saying "please please get me back in the house". Because all this winter mt neighbors have left there dogs outside. The dogs might ask me to tell there owner that there dogs are freezing and to get them inside. Thats what an animal would say to me if they could talk.
1. Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
If I had a dog that can talk I would ask do you like going outside in the cold weather?
He siad he dosnt.
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather? I think that my dogs would ask me that to let them stay outside for 2 minutes every day.
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
well if I know that animals can talk then they would say this are you ok is the snow to cold and my dog would say yes it is so i am going to say come back inside and sit next to the fireplace my dog is going to say ok so im going to say im about to play basketball and im going to be back.
1. Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could
talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather?
my cat hate the snow I think ITS BECAUSE I BARY HIM IN IT.
if my fish clod talk they clod say brrr .
abby said...
Pretend today that your own pet (or any outside animal) could talk . Tell me what they would ask you in this kind of weather? can I come in. and hlep i,m stunk.
January 19, 2011 11:10 AM
Abigaila6 said...
if my fish clod talk they clod say brrr .
January 22, 2011 6:08 AM
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