After World War I on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month a moment of silence was observed to honor all our soldiers. The day, then was called, Armistice Day, which means peace. Thursday we will celebrate Veterans Day. Today I want you to think about the men and women who are now in the armed services and fighting for our country.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
No i do not but I will thank the soilders for giving up theire life for us.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
I had a granfother that died and we are still remembering him.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
My cousin is a soldier because he's in the Air Force. He visits every so often, but I barely see or talk to him.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?My cousin was a solider he is special because he fought for our country and saved us.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?my big cousin is a solider her died got shoot 7times so i really dont care abot the army any more
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
Yes, my grandpa was in world War 1. He wanted to stick up for his country and the people in it. I was a baby so i don't remember any of it.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
I do not know anyone tht is a soilder that i know of i know my cousin is in a war or something like that but im not shur.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
Yes, my great grandfather
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
No I do not know any soldier but thanks for fighting for us
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
My great grandpa was in the war as a airforece pilot. But he died when he was 90
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
No I do not know anyone who's a slidier.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
I would feel sad
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
If I lost someone special I would be really sad.
. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
if ilost someone that was in the army i would be sad if theywas in my family
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
i would feel bad and cry for a long time.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
My dad was in the airforce and he was gone atleast he would have died bravely but he's still here at home so I'm not complaining.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
Thankfully no one I know has died serving. I do have a relative that served. I am thankful for him and all who risked there lives for all of us!
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
my great grandpa was in world war 2 and he died during the war war i feel bad i wish he can still be alive in this world.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
My grandpa was in World War 2, and he is special to me because he is really nice and he served us and our country.
. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
i think that i would feel very sad if someone that was special to me and was a veteran and is no longer here might brake me.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
No I do not know a soldier but I have lost a loved one he was my grandpa.He was important and special to me because he was important to my parents and to me to.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
I would feel really sad and I would be crying if one of my relatives died from the army. I would be really bleu.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why? My grandfather was in the war and he got killed when he was 36 years old.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
mii uncl waz mii favwite pewson inn da hol worl an i luv hym wit al mii hert dtf gurf
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
I know a neighbor named Mark Dunn who is now a veteran for about 15-16 years, and is still alive.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
My great grandpa die in 2003 and the my great grandma dei yesterday because I only saw her last year and the year after that and I whaned to know more about her.
. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
My step dad was in the U.S Navy.But he not in it no more.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
My grandpa was in the army. He hasn't left this world but he droped out. I don't know what he was like because I wsn't born yet.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
My uncle is in the airfores. I woold horabal if something to my uncle.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
no i dont know any solidiers but i give thatnks to them for risking there life for us snd i really dont have a special soeone that i lost
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why? I don't really know personally anyone that is a soldier but my mom tell's me that some of my aunts and uncles were in the airforce and in the marines.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why? My uncle because he is a marine. Not to many people will put there life on the line. He was courageous. That's why i'm looking forward to veteran's day.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why? I have a cosin and he is in the amy and I have a other cosin and his in th marine core
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why. I know one of my friend dad that is in the war and that my friend toll me that he is comeing home for a speicial day so he can see his family.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
The only person that I know that was in the army my cousin Jorden and when he went at the army at age 21 he died 1 month after he was in the army.Their is only 1 other person who was in the army was my other cousin Megan but she was ok and she is alive today.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
My uncle served in the military for twenty years.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
No I dont know any soldiers. I watch army wise there soldiers and they fight and some come in peace and go home and some come home and go to the hospitla. I wish I could pray for them on the out side but I do on the in side. And I wish I can met them and give them peace. love hope and happiness.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
No i don't know a soldier.But sometimes i remember someone really special that is no loger with my family. There is atually two people. My uncle and my grandpa. They both died. My grandpa died when i was little. My uncle died when i was 8 or 9.
I do know a soldier it is my uncle his name is Tony. He is going to afganistan in a little while we have not seen him since January for my brothers birthday. o yes i do know a soldier and i thank every sldier out there and every soldier that was in a war.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
I know my step dads uncle was in world war 2 and died in 2000. I never knew him.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why? No, I do not know any soldier or a veteran. If I did then I would tell you but I dont. SORRY:[
1. do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
i do know a soldiers it's my dad and unkle sam and fred and that why they tall me ever thing about what they did.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
Yes I know a soldier, my dad is a soldier, he is still living.I don't know anyone that was a soldier and died. Last year my teacher had a friend thats dad was a soldier and last year the doctor said he going to die, so we made cards for him on veterans day.
A soldier that I know I know is my great grandpa he was in world war II.Plus, another soldier that I know is my grandpa those are the soldiers that I know in my life.
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?
Yes I know someone that was a soldier he was my dad.
Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why? i have a cusen in the army and he is steel alive
1. Do you know any soldiers? Think about remembering someone special who is no longer here. Maybe a grandparent or neighbor who you are remembering as a special person to you and explain the reasons why?My moms dad was a
soldier .So i want to be a soldier.
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