Choose 1 prompt to respond to. Remember you must have good conventions. Don't forget when read to publish post, click on other and type in your first name, last initial, and grade level.
- Imagine that you are taking your brand-new surfboard into the ocean for the first time. As you are paddling out to catch the waves, you realize that your surfboard has special powers. Write about your experiences with your magic surfboard.
- What is one item you think all students should have when heading back to school? Explain.
One item that student should bring back to school is a pen or pencil. Its important to have a pen or pencial because you will need it for every class to ither do work or take a test. When you dont have a pen or pencil in none of your classes that means that you are not prepared for class and you will have to dristrect the class just to ask for a pen or pencil
One item I think every student should have going back to school is a laptop. I think students should have laptops because they help us get organized and there isn't as much writing and it wont hurt our hands as much. We also will get done with our work a lot more faster and we as kids will have more fun.
When I got into the water for the first time I could see that my surfboard on wasn't working wuite like a normal board. Every time I wvaught a wave it pushed me down with it. It weighted a ton it seemed. However I realized by the sudden glow that it had that all the waves stopped moving. It was like time itself wazs stopped. This surfboard was strange. Almost like... like magic.
At first, I didn't beleve that it was magic at all, but there was no excuse for how the waves just stopped moving on their own, I decided it was best to get out of the water, the second that the board touched land, the water started moving again and a big wave sent me to the ground where I dropped the board. The second that the board hit the floor all of the people, which nevr seemed to notice when the waves stopped, suddenly stopped moving themselfs. I picked up the board and they started moving again. This surfboard could stop tim itself when it touches something, and everything around it stops moing also. Just for fun I placed the board back on the ground and everyone stopped moving, again. This will be fun...
All student's should have supplys. And have everything in time for class.Hear are more things they need. They should always have there agenda everyday to write there assingments. Have there brains prepared to start learning.
The one item that students should have is a pencil or pen with them at all times even if they dont have a notebook to write on. They wont have to complane about giving you anything.
If i was taking my new surfboard out into the ocean and discovered it had special powers i would bet any one that they couldnt beat me in a battle with the surfboard an take all of there money. I would also keep trying to get into contest so i could have lots of money and become the best surfboard rider to ever live. So now u people know what i would do with the brand new surfboard that had magic powers.
I think that all students should have new cloths and new shoes.So that kids dont come to school looking like bum.Like when they got on new cloths but some messed up and nonmatching shoes.
One item i think students should have when heading back to school is everything. You should start a new school year with all of your supplies and stuff brand new. Its no fun to have your teachers yell at you because you dont have all of your school supplies
I would be using the surfboard to take me to florida and then go to a resterant and then go diving. The one all students should have when going back to school is a box of tissue because if your sneezing a lot you should blow your nose.
When I got out in the water with my brand new board I realized that it had magical powers. The way I realized this is I was hanging 10 and I was about to fall off when my feet stuck to the board. I was very greatful for this because I could have been seriously injured, or worse, killed. My second experence with my magical surfboard was when my friends and I where out there surfing again when suddenly I started doing all these tricks that I could otherwise never do. My friends where extremly impressed and wanted me to enter a surfing contest at the peir this weekend. I then told them that that sounded like fun and I would go for it, so my friends and I went to sign up. When the weekend came I was very nervous because I diden't know if my surfboard still had magical powers or if they had went away. They called my name, I knew it was my turn. I went out in the water at got on my first wave, the board wasen't responding to this. I fell and I was embarresed. I had lost the contest. Later that week I dicided to see if the board would work if I wasen't in a conpotition. It worked when I tried it and then I relized it wasen't the board it was me with the encouragement with my friends.
As I out to the water I relized that my surfboard had magical powers.When I began to paddle I noticed that at the back of my surfboard there was electronic paddles that were waterproof.I was amazed at what I seeing.
I imagine i am taking my surfboard into the ocean for the first time.I imagine that I will soon find out the powers my surfboeard has.Some powers that my surfboard would have would be it can talk and tell me how I should surf, and what turns they wantme to make.My surfboard would also occasionally do it's own stunts.I would hope that my surfboard would do stunts that would make me look good on my surfboard.
i feel that one item that student have in school is you need is all your school supplies because if you dont then you will have to ask the them to give some thinhgteacher or some one for something and they might not want to give you anything. but the teachers are the worst is when the teachers get all mad because i dont even know why but i know they do. for example if you ask them for a pen or pencil they with start freakin out and you have to pay or you have give them something.
all students should bring a notebook because they can right down ther homework.
i did really cool tricks
i think a item all students should
have are computers because life would be easyer typing than writing everything out and some people have bad hand writing and that what i feel what kids should have
I get big air and I hit a hang ten. Next I hit an ollie with a double kick flip. Then I hit a handstand hang ten with big air. Lastly I hit a big handstand after I got some major air.
When I was using my surfboard, it started to float above the water. My surfboard is magical! I started to do a lot of tricks and I could shoot lasers. I could be like that guy from the movies, that could do stuff. I could really go around the world. That surfboard never returned again when I wiped outat the sea.
If I new that my surf board had magical powers I would enter in all kinds of surfing contests. If I didn't have any money I would enter in a contest that offered money to the winner. I would try to catch the biggest wave I can possibly catch.
I would tall the student to breng a junior and pines and higlighter to class that way you wont get coent.
One thing i think a person should have is new clothes and shoes so u wont be looking like last year n looking dirty n dusty. And you can look clean and fresh at school. And you can be geared.
on the frist day of school you should bring a pecil, paper so you dont ask no one to use a pecil or paper when the teacher is talking.
one item that I think most students should bring when to school the fist day is a notebook and pencil because most of the teachers ask to give personal information about our selves like for exaple your name,address,phone etc.
If I had a surfbord and it had magical powers the powers will be that if your not very good the surfbord will make you like an expert and everybody will get jelous. And if they tell you how you learned to ride like that you can tell them that a miracle happened when you were sleeping. Because that was your first wave you catched.
If I had a`magic surfboard I would try to do new thing on it like shove-its,or grinds on the wave.I would also try to get on bigger waves,get more offten to try to learn how to use good,and not take advangte of it.Then as I get better I would try to catcth bigger,waves like barrels,and maybe after doing it so much maybe I wouldn't need to be able to do that.
One item students should have when heading back to shcool is a pencil. I think they should have a pencil because teachers can give us paper but it makes them mad when we use their pencils because we don't give them back.
One item a student should bring back to school is a pencil becuase if you bring a paper you would not have nothing to write with that is why a pencil should be the first thing you thould bring.
the suose cool sfboard powers are flying super speed and tranformachon. the surfboard is nice because its faster then eveyones surfboard. the surfboard dose cool tricks. this surfboard cen make my win a contest. and make me king of srufing.
If i got a surfboard and I found out it had magical powers it would have the abilty to to do unlimited flips in the air.It would be able to to do really cool spins in the air.
1 Thing you should have is a folder because you can put papers like homework. Another thing you should have is a pencil or a pen.
You always need a pencil because you need to write things with a pencil.
one thing i think every body should have is a notebook. And a pen or pencil.also should always stay on task.that is what i thought you need to have.
I think that the one thing you need for school is a pen or pencil.Because you need to have something to write with.Also because you will fail if you dont write anything down on your paper.To do your assignments.
The experinces I would have is to go under water.I would also go deep into the sea.
If i had a magic surfboard i would make it where I would never get hert while surfing. Also I would make it where I learned fast and it was easy to ride. I would only take these wishes so I wont be perfect so it will still be fun.
If we were heading back to school and we had to take one item to school it would be pencils because pencils are the most important thing we use in school today.
One thing you should bring to class is a pencil is a pen or a pencil because this is what you wright with.
the surf bord has magical powers
and my surf bord can go on the waves
my surf bord can jump over waves
I think all students should have a binder that could have everthing fit in it so if you need anthing from binder press the top of binder
and it will open if you need anthing.
Every one thing that a student should with them at school is a good attitude. If you come in with a good attitude you will not all make your teacher happy but you make yourself happy. You can make yourself happy if you come in with a good attitude by not gettinng in trouble if your attitude is good. Also you will make your adviser happy because you won't have to go see her. Another thing is that you will make your princeple happy. So every body needs to come to school with agood attitude.
Myntopic is what item you should have at school. I think that everyone has to have a BINDER in school. If you have a binder you can hold your agenda,folders, paper, pencils, pens, and all your notebooks( depnding on your binder size), so it can hold a lot and store alot. If you didn't have one, then you would have to carry all those things seperatly. Thats why everyoneshould have a binder at school.
The experiences i would do is go surf boarding almost everyday. Also i would show all of my friends and let them try the surfboard out and see if they like it.I would let some of my friends use it to.
My topic is what you should have for school. You should have, some binders, folders, pencils, paper, notebooks, hiliters, bookcovers, you should also have some extra school suplys even if the school supply list says how many to bring. For example if the school suply lst says you should have 3 folders you should bring at least five.
The one item every student should have is i think is a penci,the reason I choosed a pencil was because you need a pencil for every class to write with. So every student should have a pencil with them in every class they go to be able to write with!!!!!!!
Ithink every student should have
a pencil because they need something to write your name and your date and more.you also needtowrite your classroom number.
Every person in school should alawy's have somehting that you can write with . That is something that I think every body should always have in school or anyn where they go.I think you should alway's cary something you can write with because you can get paper from your teachern write with.
One thing that every kid should have at school is a pensil. Every one should have a pensil so they can do there assinments,there for they can get good grades and they won't get grounded.
I think that students of all grade levels should bring a a binder to every class because you never know when you have to write something down or to find an assignment you need for class. I think it it also important to have a binder so you won't have to carry a millon things you can just put it all in your binder.
The one thing everyone in school should have a pencil. First, because you need something to write with when you go into your classes. Next because you need a pencil to do all your assignments. Lastly because a pencil is a writing utencil you need to write with for your work. That is why you need a pencil when you go into all of your classes and why you need a pencil for school.
the one thing that everyone needs back to school is a folder with pencils. You'll need them because you need something to hold ur stuff in an u need something to right with. if u didnt have these you wont be able to do almost anything at school. Almost every class u need a pencil. thats why i think a folder and pencil is the most important thing.
i will off the surfboard save a people it injuni
imagine that you are taking your brand new surf boa
When I Went on i could see it wasnt working or was responding what i was doing. when i was by a big wave the surfeboard was talking to me. when i got out i told everyone nobody belved my. i guss i was just imaginating. Or was it.
I would pick the one wiyh the magic surfboard. I would be very scared because it would be in the ocaen ,but it would mybe be fun. I never tried to surf but I would like to try. Then if I found out it was magic. I would join surf contastes, do magial things like do fips with out falling. Then I would be a magical girl. That would be so cool. Everybody would love me,and I'll be famous.
if i knew my surf board had powers.i would tell everyone.then i would sell it for lots of money.then i would buy a new and nice one.
One item that students should have a pen or pencil.To me its the most valuable item of school to me.You are always going to need something to write with.You can use it almost for everything and thats a material that will be needed in every school.It's very useful in tests and other assigments.you use it at home,school,work, and even in a trip to the zoo.You are always going to need a pencil for everything you need to write with.
The one school item kids at school should have at middle school is a binder.Without it it would be an s terrible school day.Well first of all every would fall while your walking in the hallway,in class,and,lunch.What a day that would be.
What is one item you think all students should have when heading back to school? Explain.
What is one item you think all students should have when heading back to school? Explain.
One item that i think every body should have a agena because they help you with homework that you didnt know you have or if you forgotten what your teacher said or anything you always have it in there so u can look and get the assignment.
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