Phenomenal........means impressive or outstanding.
Use the word phenomenal in a sentence to describe something you feel strongly about. My example:
The BEARS had a phenomenal game with Hester and the receivers showing unbelievable talented skill.
I find it phenomenal how the Miami heat won the playoffs last year.
ReplyDeleteDerrick Jeter is a phenomenal baseball player. When he retires he will go into the hall of fame.
ReplyDeleteMy Isat testing grades were phenomenal.
ReplyDeleteAdrian Peterson is the phenomenal person in the nfl.]com
ReplyDeleteOur class did a phenomenal job on the tests on Friday.
ReplyDeleteThe Pittsburgh Pirates are having a phenomenal season! They have not been in the playoffs for a lot of years!
The Chicago bulls will do phenomenal because they have D Rose back.
ReplyDeleteKobe Bryant is a phenomenal shooter.
ReplyDeleteMayweather had a phenomenal fight two days ago.
ReplyDeleteit is phenomenal how the heat made it to the nba finals 3 years in a row.
ReplyDeleteI hope I have a phenomenal cross country game today.
ReplyDeleteI think that McDonald is a phenomenal place to eat at.
ReplyDeleteIt is phenomenal how tall some people can get.
ReplyDeleteTo me It Is Phenomenal How The Chicago Bulls Went Into Three Over Times Against The Brooklyn Nets.
ReplyDeleteThe Miami Heat had a phenomenal year, Reaching a 27 game win streak and winning yet another championship. #Winning
ReplyDeleteSomething I found Phenomenal is when the Miami heat had 27 winning streak and then the bulls end their streak
ReplyDeleteWhat is phenomenal to me is when I was playing a soccer game my friend made a phenomenal score and we won the game.
ReplyDeleteBlake Griffin is phenomenal jumper I love him!!
ReplyDeleteI find my Isat score phenomenal because I got above 200 in each.
ReplyDeleteLeBron James did Phenomenal without D-Wade.
ReplyDeleteI thought it was phenomenal when I found out my friend could move her arm out of place
ReplyDeleteI find it phenomenal how Mayweather won
ReplyDeleteA person I think is phenomenal is D Rose because he is a good basketball player.
ReplyDeleteIts phenomenal that it almost fall.
ReplyDeleteCanelo did a phenomenal job in the fight against mayweather even tho he lost.
ReplyDeleteI think its phenomenal that I have a modeling and photography job and I'm only 13!
ReplyDeleteI find it phenomenal how One Direction started a band when they were young.
ReplyDeleteI find it phenomenal how One Direction started a band when they were young.
ReplyDeleteI had a phenomenal on my test.
ReplyDeleteI had a phenomenal on my test.
ReplyDeleteI find it phenomenal that the sun is the biggest thing in the solar system
ReplyDeleteJustin Bieber is phenomenal because he is the best and hottest and cutest guy/singer in the whole entire world.
ReplyDeleteIt phenomenal that the Miami heat wont the play offs two years in a row.
ReplyDeleteIt phenomenal that the Miami heat wont the play offs two years in a row.
ReplyDeleteI find the Chicago Blackhawks a phenomenal hockey team. They won the Stanley Cup!!! :) :)
ReplyDeleteI think its phenomenal that I do cheerleading a lot!
ReplyDeleteWhat I find phenomenal is my isat test scores because they went up.
ReplyDeleteDevin Hester is a phenomenal receiver he has the most runbacks in NFL history
ReplyDeleteSomething phenomenal is that the second biggest tree is in California.
ReplyDeletewhen I went to see Disney on ice with a little girl the people that where in the ice did phenomenal flips in the ice
ReplyDeleteThe thing I find phenomenal is how people create a lot of technology things.
ReplyDeleteI am phenomenal at playing basketball.
ReplyDeleteThe Bears had a phenomenal game last weekend .
ReplyDeleteMy mom is phenomenal.
ReplyDeletewhat I think is phenomenal is my 2nd year playing football I broke my record for sacks for 5 sacks in one game but I still hold my record
ReplyDeleteI find it phenomenal that the first Cazares(my family) came from Spain.
ReplyDeleteI find it phenomenal that they think there is another planet in the sky.^0^ (:
ReplyDeleteI find it phenomenal that the ride x flight was a awesome ride
ReplyDeleteI did phenomenal one my test.
ReplyDeleteI have a phenomenal family.
ReplyDeleteI find it phenomenal that they think there is another planet in the sky. ^-^
ReplyDeletethe bears should lose because they are horrible my team is more phenomenal and its the panthers.
ReplyDeleteDerrick Rose is a phenomenal basketball player in the NBA.
ReplyDeleteMy brother had phenomenal basketball game and he won the game.
ReplyDeletekobe is phoenomeal basketball player
ReplyDeleteOne Direction is phenomenal.
ReplyDeletephenomenal what is that
ReplyDeleteMy grades are always phenomenal.
ReplyDeletemy mom had a phoenomeal day at work
ReplyDeleteMichael Jordan is a phenomenal basketball player.
ReplyDeleteBrian urlacher is a phenomenal football player.
ReplyDeleteThe way Dirksen Junior High School is run is a phenomenal job to accomplish.
ReplyDeletealex is a phenomenal student he always at school he is also so cool he is also phenomenal at basketball and crosscountry and eating fried chicken
ReplyDeleteI found it phenomenal because dude didn't even get a touchdown yet and before he land he thrown the ball back.
ReplyDeleteOne Direction is so phenomenal with all their songs.
ReplyDeletemy mom made a phenomenal cheese cake for my brothers birthday party last week on the 13th
ReplyDeletemy favorite rapper is very like phenomenal.
ReplyDeletethe receiver had a good game with the them but had no talent against Aaron Roger throws to their reciver.
ReplyDeletewhat is phenomenal
ReplyDeleteMy math grades were phenomenal.
ReplyDeleteI found phenomenal that the bears won the game last year.
ReplyDeleteMy test this grades were phenomenal.
ReplyDeleteI hope we have a phenomenal basketball game on Thursday.
ReplyDeleteBasket ball is phenomenal.
ReplyDeleteBasket ball is phenomenal.
ReplyDeletemy older sister is a phenomenal person
ReplyDeletewhat I find phenomenal is how much time I can play video games.
ReplyDeleteI hope my grades are phenomenal.
ReplyDeleteThe bears are playing phenomenal this season.
ReplyDeleteI think that my grades for math are phenomenal