Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
Kristin my daughter:
she is sensitive because she doe not want to hurt any ones feelings
she is funny because she can always make people laugh
she is athletic because she works out all the time and is in good physical shape
she is pretty because she is a good person and she is my daughter :-)


  1. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person
    good heart because he isn't going to make anybody feel bad
    strong because i am swole
    respectful because he isn't disrespectful
    smart doesn't do stupid things

  2. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    My brother is cool
    My brother is atthletic
    My Brother is engetic
    my brother is smart.!

  3. my little sister is funny becaue she makes me laugh a lot.

  4. my little sister is funny becaue she makes me laugh a lot.

  5. my little sister is funny becaue she makes me laugh a lot.

  6. Catera my sister:
    she is funny because she always makes me laugh
    she is outgoing because she likes to make jokes
    she is open because she tells me everything
    she is catera and shes the best sister ever

  7. ,;)
    He is Nice becouse hes not mean.
    he is Funny becouse he makes ppl laugh.
    He is Fun because he is not boring.
    He is quite because he is not loud. :)

  8. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
    i choose is my mom: cause
    shes caring because shes takes care for the family.
    shes sweet because she doesnt
    want to hurt anyones feelings.
    shes funny because shes loves tomake people laugh
    shes protective because she doesnt want anyone to hurt her family. i love my mom and happy birthday <3

  9. I am sensitive because I take things seriously.
    I am funny because I know how to make people laugh. :P
    I am tall because I'm taller than most of my friends. :-)

  10. MY MOM

    She is a MOTHER becuase she gave birth to me

    She is a LOVING mon becuase the cares about me and my other siblings alot

    She is a ATHLETIC becuase she works out everyday

    She is a AUDACIOUS because she will do anything for us to be grown black men

  11. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
    I would describe him as smart,respected,boring and acknoledge.

  12. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you, a friend, or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    My friend, Giovanni:
    1. Is nice because he helps a lot of people.
    2. Is honest because he tells me the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
    3. Is respectful because he's never mean to anyone.
    4. Is a genius because he's so smart.

  13. Giovanni Alvarado 8A Cherry Blossom Lover!October 12, 2011 at 7:54 AM

    This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    My Cusine Jenisis is a very nice cusine. She has a wonderful Hispanic Mexican/Phillipean cultural background and loves to travel. She just back from washington D.C. 4 weeks ago from weekend field trip!

    Sakura for her favorite color pink!

    Smart for her straight A's and her strong intelligence like me!

    Respectful for her kindness twords others!

    Fun to hang around with!

  14. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    I choose my sister Alyssa because she is the one of my family members that I know most.
    She is annoying mostly all the time because she comes and my room whenever she wants and she makes duck noises and then leaves.
    She is very, very, very silly because she will do really werid things like run around the house and scream.
    She is very confident about herself because she always tells herself she is awesome.

  15. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    My brother:
    He is FUNNY makes people laugh.

  16. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    My brother:
    He is FUNNY makes people laugh.

  17. happy that it is his birthday he is the founder of the dictionary.

  18. The person that i admire the most is
    my dad and mom because they are NICE and KIND. I can trust them throughout everything. They are TRUSTING and RESPECTFUL. Those are all the reasons why I admire my parents.

  19. I am sensitive because I take things seriously.
    I am funny because I know how to make people laugh.
    My sister:D
    He is FUNNY makes people laugh.

  20. my mom is pretty and sweet she cares about her faimly and me

  21. My little sister is funny because she makes me laugh
    she is nice because she isn't mean to people
    she is helpful because she helps me when I need her to help me
    she is fun because she is fun to be with.

  22. Me Gabrielle:
    I am caring person because I care about peoples feelings.
    I share my stuff with my friends.
    I am a funny person.
    I can be borning sometimes.
    -Loooove Gabbie (:

  23. My Dad

    He is musical because he plays guitar.
    He is funny because he tells jokes.
    He is fast because he does martial arts.
    He is loving because he is my father.

  24. Nisa Theard
    I chose myself
    I'm a FUN person because I always make sure what I'm doing is cool and joyful.
    I am a HAPPY person because I'm usually smiling all the time.
    I am a JOYFUL person because I am usually happy and excited.
    I am RESPECTFUL person because I always show people their resoect when it is due.

  25. My Mother (Khim)
    Quiet- my mom is always doing puzzles
    Caring- my mom always takes care of everything with a heart
    Intelligent- becaus eof all those puzzles she does
    Giving- if you really actually need something
    Talkative- she is mainly quiet but once she starts it never ends

  26. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
    he is stubborn because he never wants to do anything
    he is lazy because all he does is watch TV and play video games
    he is obnoxious because he interupts people
    he is cool because he's my brorther :)

  27. Charlene, my mom

    Smart because she knows what to do in a serious situation
    Good-Hearted because shelikes to help people
    Not a Begger because she doesn't like to ask people for anything
    Pretty because that's howmygrandmamade her

  28. pretty

  29. She is caring because she supports me after a death or if i'm having personal problems.Sweet because she loves and cares about me.American because she was born in america.Funny because she tells nice jokes

  30. my little brother
    he is nice because he is not rude,mean,or anything like that
    he is kind because he cares about peoples fleeings
    he is kind because he is not rude
    he is storng because he lefts up things

  31. My mom
    Pretty because she is my mom.
    Funny because she makes me laugh when I'm sad.
    Jolly because she is happy most of the time.
    Loving because she loves her family.

  32. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
    I'd say my cousin is:
    and the best guy ever.
    I think this because he has a lot of cool stuff to play with. Also, of allof his cool ideas.

  33. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
    I'd say my cousin is:
    and the best guy ever.
    I think this because he has a lot of cool stuff to play with. Also, of allof his cool ideas.

  34. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
    Kristin my daughter:
    she is sensitive because she doe not want to hurt any ones feelings
    she is funny because she can always make people laugh
    she is athletic because she works out all the time and is in good physical shape
    she is pretty because she is a good person and she is my daughter :-)

    because it will help you write better.

  35. REYNA my sister

    preety she is preety becuse she is a good person

    she is talented my sister is talented becuse she can do alot of cool things my sister is outgoing she is out going becuse she does alot of marvel things

  36. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    Angie my sister:
    she is funny because she makes me laugh a lot
    she is kind because I am to her
    she is tall because she is taller than my dad.
    She is pretty because she is cute.

  37. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
    My mom is pretty becuase shes nice and shes my mom.
    she is funny because she telles funny jokes.
    shes is very deliket bcause if she gets hurt she starts to cry alittle
    she is very caring because if i get hurt she asked me if im okay

  38. myra my cousin

    she is fun because she plays with us and takes us places.
    she is funny because she makes everyone laugh.
    she is cool because she brings me and my sis to the gym.
    she is nice because she does not like to be mean.

  39. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person

    A good dirksen student
    She is so smart
    Her brain works everytime
    Loves her family
    Eats good
    Yoyos everytime

  40. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
    Kristin my daughter:
    she is sensitive because she doe not want to hurt any ones feelings
    she is funny because she can always make people laugh
    she is athletic because she works out all the time and is in good physical shape
    she is pretty because she is a good person and she is my daughter :-)

    britteny my cousin:
    she is atletic because she has a a good physical shape and is tall

    she is smart because she gets good grades.

    she is distinct because she dresses different, but pretty.

    she is funny because she does silly things, and makes me laugh. :)

  41. My mom.....:
    is nice because she helps alot.
    is cool because she takes me lots of cool places.
    is neat because she cleans up alot around the house.
    is awesome because shes my mom and she fun in my opinion.:D

  42. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    My brother

    because he is funny at immitations.

    Athletic because he plays basketball.

    Respectful to others by helping.

    And cool

  43. me:I am athletic becuase I work out alot and play sports and I am funny becuase I can make a lot of people laugh,I am energetic becuase sometimes I talk a lot and I am silly becuase I make goofy noises and faces

  44. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    I spoil because I get what ever I want from my dad and mom.

    I am funny because I make people laugh.

    I am beautiful because god made me beautiful.

    I am smart because I work hard.

  45. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    my mom she is pretty because she stays in shape and she very kind to everyone .
    she is funny because she knows whats funny and whats not she is always making someone in the house laugh.
    she is respectful to others so she can set an exzample for others .
    my mom is not sensativ unless some one passes away but my mother still stays strong.

  46. i am smat because i can do math great.

    i am kind because i help other people when they need it.

    i am curagus because i take risks.

    i am fun because alot of people want to hang out with me.

  47. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    Julie (my baby sister)
    she is cute because her cheeks look so much like chipmunk cheeks and they look so cute:)
    she is sensitive because when every she gets hurt she tells you to kiss it
    she is funny because she always laugh when no one else is laughing:)
    she is fun because she loves playing with other people:)

  48. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person
    My Sister Alexis
    Nice because she helps me with my homework and helps kids at her school
    She is sporty witch make it fun
    and teaches me volleyball
    Outgoing witch makes her fun and cool

  49. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    Julius my cousin:

    He is a dancy type
    He is a funny kid
    and he thinks he is athletic

  50. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
    Kristin my daughter:
    she is sensitive because she doe not want to hurt any ones feelings
    she is funny because she can always make people laugh
    she is athletic because she works out all the time and is in good physical shape
    she is pretty because she is a good person and she is my daughter :-)

    I am funny I make anyone laugh

    I'm lazy because I don't like going to some places

  51. my mom is nice becaues she help a lot beacuse she is cool and fun to play with and go to sixflgs.

  52. my mom is nice becaues she help a lot beacuse she is cool and fun to play with and go to sixflgs.

  53. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.


    She is FUNNY beacuse she makes me laugh all the time!

    She is NOISY because she never stays quiet and she is always yelling really loud.

    She is FAST because she always beats other people while running in a race.

    She is HAPPY because every time I see her she has a smile on her face :}

    She is NICE because she is never mean to me or any body else.

    She is CARING because if I need help with something she helps me with it.


  54. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.
    I am Diamond
    I am sensitive because I dont like to hurt people.
    I am funny because I like to make people laugh and be silly.
    And I am preety because people see what on the inside and not whats on the outside of me.

  55. This week is Noah Webster's birthday. He is the founder of the dictionary. Today you will be describing you or a member of your family. You will use 4 different adjectives and tell me why that is a good adjective for that person.

    Arianna myself:
    I am smart because I get straight A's and I am on the high honor roll.
    I am athletic because I am in Cross Country and I run fast.
    I am beautiful because I dress in nice clothes and I am in good shape.
    I am honest because I always tell the truth.

  56. athletic ath athletic letic athletic athle ath athletic letic tic

  57. athletic ath athletic letic athletic athle ath athletic letic tic
