Monday, February 1, 2010

February 2 is known as "Groundhog Day". The groundhog comes out of hibernation. If he sees his shadow, he goes back into his hole and waits for 6 more weeks of winter.

Give me clues when you can tell spring is almost here. Describe the "clues" that you can see, smell, hear, or touch.
think, maybe even sports?


  1. snow is amost gone

  2. I can tell when spring is coming because different sports are on tv and you start to see alot more animals around. Also hear the snow and ice melting sometimes.

  3. It is starting to get less cold more fun. I hear birds

  4. You can tell spring is akmost here when the leaves are back and baseball season is here.

  5. the way i can tell spring is amlost here is when i put on my jecket and im not told to put on a coat.

  6. when spring is almost here is when all the snow starts to melt and the wrestling season ends.

  7. One clue that I can give you is when the snow starts to melt.It starts toget human outside.

  8. i can tell when spring is here because it rains alot and more flowers start to come out.

  9. When I can tell that spring is near is when it starts getting warmer outside. Another way how I can tell that spring is near is when you start to hear and see more birds in your area.

  10. You can tell when Spring is almost here when the leaves start coming back, and the grass gets greener.

  11. I know when spring is coming because the weather changes and my dads arm hurts everytime the season change. His arm is injured from a car accident.

  12. haer u can listen to coach
    and touch u can touch the basketball.
    and see u can see people that u vs

  13. I know when there are signs of Spring because I see creepy old men in their boxers watering there grass. I also hear birds, maybe some wind, and the temperatur is a bit cool not cold.

  14. One clue I look for is when mlb starts its spring training.Then the weather starts to get more rainyer but warmer.After that someone in my family gets sick from the pollen wich its always me first.

  15. Clues that can show that spring is coming is... It's starting to get dark later now, Basketball season is almost over. The snow is going away! And it's starting to not be as cold outside!!! ;-)

  16. When I know the sping is almost coming it sound like people are outside and feel warm not cold.

  17. I know when spring is almost here because it's warmer and sometimes the flowers start to bloom!!!!

  18. I am able to tell when spring is near because the weather outside starts to change from cold to warm and rainy.

  19. i can tell spring almost here. i hear a bird and animal.

  20. there are many way to show how the spring is comeing is. the snow is going way and the flower are coming out for the frist time.

  21. I think that spring iz coming cause all the snow iz meltin and more outdoor spirts are coming

  22. I can tell when spring is near because I can see the beautiful birds, I hear fresh water flowing, and I feel the nice warm breeze in the air.

  23. the leaves start fallning out the trees....the weather gets a little rainyer. also the snow kinda dissapers, i wont have to dress so bundled up because its warmer outside.

  24. The snow starts to melt. The leaves turn green. And it gets warmer outside. I get in ytrouble more

  25. The snow is almost gone and yo see a lot more of the sun mostly every day

  26. I can tell when spring is comming because you could see the snow goes away, you see more animals outside, and it starte getting warmer.

  27. If it is still winter, the snow will be almost gone, it would still be cold, and animals would be out back and out.

  28. Snow melts and the birds come back.

  29. I can tell when spring is coming when i see the weather getting less cold.

  30. snow is gone,geting warm,ice cream shpops are back

  31. I know when winter is almost over by hearing birds chirping

  32. how I would give some clues of how spring is coming is the weather would change baseball will be back again and there will be no snow out on the would be like no coat weather and we could go outside

  33. Clues of spring leaving, snow melting, flowers blooming, and the air gets warmer.

  34. That the I am seeing more animals and the trees leaves are growing back.

  35. I can tell that spring is starting because the snow and ice is mealting, the sun is shining more and it's sometimes more of a cool breeze instead of strong winds. Also because there is lot's of spring sports starting.

  36. The clues that I see when spring is coming is when the leaves grow back on trees, when some flowers start to grow,also the snow begins to melt. The lastly clue that I can hear is the birds chirping in the morning.

  37. I know when spring is almost here when it doesn't snow anymore, it's not as cold and you dont have to wear gloves, hats, scarfs, etc., also when the sun comes out more and some animals start appearing again.

  38. Sone clues that can tell that spring is coming are the snow is melting you see more animals around, amd you hear the wind blow nicelyand warm.

  39. I see that the snow is starting to melt and that the birds are coming out and the flowers are almost bloming and the sun is coming out more and it is also getting warmer thats hoe I know spring is coming

  40. I think when it is spring i think of it being warm and nice. you would see kids playing outside more.

  41. I can tall when winter is over when I want to go out side and its warm. Also I can tell when its spring when I cant find any snow but grass.

  42. I think that when i start seeing and notcing warmer weather, flowers start blooming, and when soccer comes out, and they start playing their sport again. Also, when i see alot of kids outside playing, or doing outdoor activities.

  43. The snow is almost gone it starts getting warmer

  44. the snow is almost gone

  45. when it get sunny out side early when people start to come out side more

  46. The snow is almost gone baseball season is coming and I play baseball, grass is getting greener.

  47. when i thikn spring is here i strt seeing flowers bloom and the sun shine bright.

  48. the weather changes

  49. i can tell because the leaves start growing backon the tree's.and it starts to get a little bit warmer then it was.and i gat wait.

  50. I know when spring is here when the weather gets nicer to play outside in.When you hear birds and smell flowers.Also when you see the leaves on the trees coming back.Thats when you know spring is almost here.

  51. i can tell its almost spring because the snow is melting and the leaves are comeing

  52. I can tell when I hear cardnals chirping.

  53. snow and the cold wheather will be gone. then people are comin out more. and spring sports . yay!!

  54. The signs of spring I see are the flowers starting to grow, the snow and ice are almost melting. The weather getting less chilly and more warm, also the animals starting to come back from the south or awalening from their long winters slumber.

  55. I can tell when spring is here when i zm not told to put on my coat and i just wear a sweater.:)

  56. I can tell that winters almost over because I see the snow starting to melt,it's starting to get warmer and leaves are starting to grow

  57. I can tell that spring is coming because the snow is almost gone and it is starting not to get the cold.

  58. well how i can tell spring is alost here is the now snd ice are melting and itfs less colder.

  59. i kno when spring is coming when the ice is completely gone and the weather starts to get warm and plus on the radio station they tell u when the spring is coming .

  60. I see that the snow is starting to go away and the weather is geting warmer.Also that the sun is starting to come out.

  61. I can tell when spring is here is because of different sports.I can also tell when spring is here because you can here birds,the snow starts to fade away,and its starts to get warmer

  62. I can tell when spring is over because I can hear animals, see and smell flowers, and more people will be out side.

  63. When the groundhog comes out of hybernation if he sees hes shadow he will go back into his hole, and if he doesnt see his shadow he will stay out when he goes back more days of the cold and youll need a coat. and if hes comes out hear comes spring yay.:P

  64. i know when spring is coming because all the animals come out and the different sports come on like baseball and you can see all the snow melting and it gets warmer .

  65. I can tell that spring is near because of the trees regaining their original color. Also by the sounds of the birds. Another thing is because of the soccer season starting. Mainly because of the animals starting to come out of hibernation.

  66. i can tell because the sports are on tv and that the snow is going away a little bit well i just hope that spring is comming soon bacause i realy want to play football with my friends

  67. Clues!how can i tell if spring is almost here?i can tell wene spring is coming because you can see kids plaing soccer,also you can tell its about to be summer because of like all the garage sales that you can be looking out for etc!and having fun because wene it is winter you cant usually do nothing wene you are insider.than wene it is spring you can do what ever.

  68. I can tell when winter is over.Its over when the snow is gone

  69. you can hear a lot of and more.

  70. When it begans to warm up and you only have too wear a jacket.
