Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Today is Scrooge's birthday. He is the main character in the story Christmas Carol. For most of the story Scrooge is really "stingy" or selfish and mean. Can you think of a time it would be smart to be stingy or selfish?


  1. No i cant think of a time when some can be stingy and selfish!


  2. A tiME tO bE StiNGY ANd MEAN iS WhEN SOMEONE tRYiNG tO SAy SOME bAD StUff AbOUt yOU, tRyiNG tO StARt StUFF tOO.,. =]

  3. It is smart to be to selfish becuase people won't mess with you.

  4. I can't think of a way that stingy and mean is really a good thing . Unless you are sticking up for your self like in self defence or if you are trying to fit in. Other then that I don't that be stingy andselffish or mean is ever a really good thing to do .

  5. One time you can be stingy or selfish is when you see someone you don't like cause if you know that there going to say something mean to you you might as well be mean back.

  6. hAhA., MybAd i diDNt REAd iT CAREfUllY A tiME TO BE SELFISh AND StINGy iS NEVER., tHAtS jUSt bEiNG A BIG bRAt

  7. It's a good time when someone is stingy to u then u be stingy back Im stingy all the time. S_Reed

  8. A time to be stingy or mean would be if someone is trying to rip you off.

  9. the time i took i did not want to share things with my friends because i did not want to share noting with them.

  10. The time it is okay to be my birthday because that day is
    all about you.

  11. I dont think that thaires one time that its good to be stingy or selfish even if someone is doin it to you you should still be nice couse when your nice good things come to you
    {Keiva Aka sunshine}

  12. A q3Wd tiM3 TO B3 StiNqY ANd
    S3lFiSH iS At LUNCH.... WH3n 3V3RyBODy iS tRYiNq 2 qEt jUR FOOd! && WH3N jU HAV3 HOtCHiPS...=)

  13. I believe it would be smart to be stingy or selfish when you are playing a basket ball game and you are the main person on the team.I ibelive that maybe that person should be a little selfish with the ball.

  14. I think i knt think of one.

  15. i DONt kNOW Of A TiME tO bE StiNGY OR SELfiSh.. i NEVER bEEN LiKE ThAT i ThINK.... bUt i dONt RELLY ThiNkS ThEiRS A REASON tO bE LiKE ThAT.

  16. well i would only be stingy when some one is stingy to me...

  17. Yeah daht dude selfishh as i dont know what but i aint worried bout it. lol we got alot of selfish people in this world. =] Im me!!@

  18. I caught a tome when i was with kuwan and he had abig bad of chips and everyone wanted some and he gave everyone some but me and i was mad because i wanted some. yeah im fatt dont care,,

  19. ALE'S BiG! jAjAjAjA!

  20. A time to be stingy would be with your money, I don't mean to never help people, but don't just hand it all out randomly. It's never good to be stingy and greedy all the time, but it's never good to be too nice either.

  21. No I cant think of a time when someone can be stingy or selfish.

  22. When someones trying to jack your purse or wallet.

  23. hE iS veRy stiNgy AnD mEaN !

  24. a time when i am mean and stinggy is when some one is mean and stingy to me

  25. no i can not think of a time when it would be good to be selfish

  26. When you dont trust enyone

  27. One time it would be smart to be selfish if you were selfless and you did nothing for yourself.

  28. a time when i can be stinngy is when i have something and i don't want to really share with anybody.

  29. i can mean when i get mad at people.

  30. No i cant think of a time to be stingy or selfish.unless you are sticking up for yourself.even though i am stongy alot of times.

  31. No I cant think of a time that you could be "stingy" or selfish because you should never be mean to someone.

  32. I thnk you should be singy when you dont want som thing valuable broken or stolen thats probably the only time that im stingy

  33. you can be stingy when someone dose not want you to come to there birthday party but than when you have a birthday party and stars to hand cards out to people they want to ask you and you say no you did not want me to come to your party than they get mad and say YOU STINGY

  34. Well I think that a good time to be mean is when someone is making you feel bad or when someone is making fun of you.

  35. Well when i think to be mean is not good it hurts the person or then you might get in a fight with someone cause of wat ur saying.

  36. I cant think of a time whren some one was selffishy!

  37. I can't think of a time were someone can be stingy or selfish.Exapte when you have money.

  38. Nah, i dont think i can remeber any time i was stingy

  39. One time i got my allowence money and i ask did they want something from the store. They said yes so i ask them where is there money they didnt have any money so that i can go to the store and get the juck food.They didnt have any money.So i went to the store and bought stuff. they ask me where is there stuff i said i didnt buy it they told my mom.My mom said go back to the store and buy them something. so i did.but i was mad at them. i said i will never go to the store for them agin until they have money ti buy them somthing. that was the time when i was being so stangy with my money.

  40. no i cant think of a time when you can be selfish.

  41. No i cant think of a time when something was stingy and selfish.

  42. No i cant think of a time when something was stingy and selfish.

  43. Yes when you want something real bad or something really expensive.

  44. No I cant think of a time when I would have been stingy or selfish

  45. i think there is never a time to be stingy

  46. Yes, when you are mand at someone.

  47. NO I CaNT THink oF A DaY TO bE STingy oR SELfish...

  48. yes, sometime i am stingy but not selfish.

  49. No I can't think of a good time to be selfish and stingy

  50. No it is never a good thing to be stingy or selfish.

  51. No I can't think of a time that it would be smart to be stingy or selfish.

  52. i can't remember a time i was stingy.

  53. yes,when some one is taking advantage of you

  54. I dont think anyone should be stingy because if you treat anyone like that you would be treated the same.So being stingy,selfish.and mean is not caring about others.

  55. the time to be selfish is when someone make you mad

  56. Its a good time to be selfish when someboby trys to take advanegea of you.

  57. the time to be selfish is when someone make you mad
